Street Legal HMMWV Update
We have had a great deal of interest in our prior post “Street Legal HMMWV” and have gotten much information from both our readership/customers as well as from the official sources here in Virginia.
Our last contact with the Virginia State Police Safety Division, the organization responsible for the inspection required for issuance of the VIN, road safety, and to approve the DMV to issue the Tag/Title, the officer indicated that in Virginia to get a vehicle approved for road use, there were equipment upgrades necessary:
“To make this vehicle legal for the road, it is going to be very difficult. This vehicle is designed for off road use only.
To bring the vehicle into compliance and be legal for road use, it will have to meet all Federal DOT standards for the year of the vehicle.
Some of these standards will include vehicle lighting, airbags, instrument gauges, and seat belts.
I would suggest you begin with the Federal Department of Transportation and get the manufacturer standards for the vehicle you wish to make legal for the road.
I would think your biggest issue is going to be with the airbags.”
His response did not quite fit our opinion and prior knowledge on how most vehicles are treated during this titling, inspection, and registration process (several of our warehouse employees have done so with classic muscle cars). Most of the time, if the vehicle was produced without a particular feature, it was grandfathered in and such a feature was not required -yes, we know that the Federal Standards were already in place in this instance, but nevertheless, the HMMWV’s were produced from the factory without such features.
Basically, until another Virginia resident successfully titles their Humvee in this drawn out process, it is our recommendation to have it titled out of state and transfer the title in; there is a completely differing set of rules that govern such transactions.
We have reports of titles being issued in Georgia with some paperwork in addition to inspections and visits to their titling office (see our prior post’s comments here). There is also a note that GovPlanet is offering Florida titles for a fee at the time of purchase – it is unknown at this time as to whether they are off-road/road use titles – such a title will make it a common transaction to transfer a title into any state; hopefully, these titles will be of the common road use variety. Hopefully, these routes will not require pouring over the Federal DOT list of safety standards that are being pushed upon Virginia residents trying to title their Humvee for road use.
The point here is that there is light at the end of the bureaucratic tunnel. It seems that the biggest hurdle has been combating the state employee’s lack of knowledge on how to properly title these surplus DoD Humvees to make them Street Legal. The best advise our team here at www.hummersurplusparts.com can give is to keep at it, keep going back, and just show persistence that these officials are unable to ignore.
If you have success or a “teachable moment” in your titling process, we would love to hear from you and share with our other readers/customers on our blog.
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