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Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!

The 4th of July is a special day in America. This day we celebrate the independence from foreign rule and how our forefathers were cognoscente enough to protect our God given freedoms with the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. So whether you are at a family and friends gathering, working, taking time off to rest, or just practicing your freedoms we all enjoy today, take time to realize that America is the greatest and most free nation that ever existed.
And don’t forget to thank any veteran that you might know; their willingness to fight for America and protect our US Constitution is the reason we get fireworks and watermelon on July 4th; without these dedicated individuals, the US would not be as free as it is today.

So, go out and ride that surplus Humvee, practice your 2nd Amendment right, and enjoy your freedoms of speech (as well as the others not listed here).

Happy 4th of July!

1 thought on “Happy Independence Day!

  1. America is a great country. We have seen most of the world but nothing is just like the good ole USA.
    Got off work at midnight last night but put up two American flags in the back of my 998 for today. We are getting back to following the constitution our fore fathers designed when making this great country.

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