Bulletproof Vest Body Armor for Anyone Level IIIA (3A)


Bulletproof Vest Body Armor for Anyone

New. 5 year warranty! Stops 44 Magnum and 357 Sig! Small to 4x available.

Small through 2x sizes $349.99; 4x size $399.99

Verify your size prior to ordering via the photo sizing chart.

NOTE: Vest size is not the same as T-Shirt Size.

Units can ship to all states except CT.

Allow 2 weeks for shipment during heavy ordering periods.

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Bulletproof Vest Body Armor for Anyone Level IIIA (3A)

Bulletproof Vest Body Armor for Anyone Level IIIA 3A

New. 5 year warranty! Stops 44 Magnum and 357 Sig! Small to 4x available.

Units can ship to all states except CT. It is the buyer’s responsibility to know their state/local applicable laws.

Bulletproof Vest Body Armor for Anyone Level IIIA 3A

Manufacturer’s Information:

The Best Bulletproof Vest At An Unbeatable Price. This Bulletproof Vest is the best value in body armor.  It provides level IIIA protection at an unbeatable price, just $349.  This vest was launched in 2013 and just recently received a redesign.  Five major upgrades are now included in the vest to make it more concealable, more comfortable, and ready to work.  We are convinced, that if you need to buy a bulletproof vest, that this Bulletproof Vest is the best choice for you.

A Great Bulletproof Vest at an Unbelievable Price. This Vest offers a brand new, level IIIA (3A) bulletproof vest for just $349. Trusted by national security companies, proven to save lives, and the best value in body armor. This vest is the bulletproof vest you want.  It is comfortable, concealable, upgradeable, and affordable.

What is level IIIA and why is it the right vest for me? Level IIIA (3A) is typically the highest level of protection you will find in soft armor. This vest will protect you from everything from a BB gun to a .44 magnum. That is great protection. Don’t settle for other vests that offer level IIA or level II. You want level IIIA.

Is this the best bulletproof vest on the market? This Vest is the best value in bulletproof vests. If you have to buy your own vest with real money, it is by far the best bulletproof vest.

The BulletSafe Vest is available in six sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2XL, and 4XL (the 4X vest is sold on a different page). Please use this helpful BulletSafe size chart. Your bulletproof vest size is NOT YOUR T-SHIRT SIZE.  Use this height and weight chart to pick the best size vest for you. If you are between two sizes and you are fit, choose the smaller one. If you have more weight around your middle, choose the larger size.

Another note on bulletproof vest sizing: Your bulletproof vest needs to fit in one main area: around your stomach. The length of the vest is not important as you can use the shoulder straps to adjust it; the important factor to consider is the diameter of your midsection. If you have a large belly try to order at the top of your size range so that you can fasten the vest around your mid-section. If you are a competitive cyclist or bodybuilder with a slim waist, order at the bottom of your size range.

What bullets can this vest protect against? A Class IIIA vest can protect against almost all handgun rounds. IIIA vests (ours included) are tested with bullets up to a .44 Magnum, which is a really powerful round. This vest will protect against smaller rounds as well. We are quite comfortable in saying that a class IIIA vest will protect you from almost any handgun you will encounter and certainly any handgun that someone conceals. Handgun violence makes up most of the shooting injuries in the US, so this bulletproof vest offers a great level of protection for you.

What won’t it protect against? No vest will protect against every bullet, and a IIIA vest won’t protect against heavy rifle fire without added armor plates. That is why our vest has front and rear plate pockets and why we sell ballistic plates as well. Ask us about our armor plates!

What are the dimensions of the bulletproof vest?

Dimensions by Vest Size
Width of each protective panel
Height of each protective panel
Total protection area
5.15 lbs.
390 sq. inches
5.70 lbs.
430 sq. inches
5.70 lbs.
430 sq. inches
Extra Large
6.05 lbs.
450 sq. inches
6.35 lbs.
490 sq. inches
6.95 lbs.
560 sq. inches


Almost anyone can order a bulletproof vest from us. Unless you are a convicted violent felon, you can legally order, own, and wear a bulletproof vest. The law does not limit your ability to be safe.  We ship vests to 49 states (not Connecticut, and not internationally). If you live in Connecticut, you are required to buy a vest “in person” from one of our dealers.

Who buys bulletproof vests. Bulletproof vests are popular for armored car personnel, police officers, security guards, ATM service technicians, repo men, investigators, pawn brokers, gas station attendants, avid shooters, hunters, preppers, and anyone else who wants to protect themselves from danger. No one wants to die at work, so people at risk buy BulletSafe Bulletproof Vests. We sell to anyone who wants a great level of protection.

Why is it a vest? The bulletproof vest has evolved into a vest shape to protect your most vital organs and keep you alive if there is an incident. Body armor is most comfortable when it is lightweight and you can move freely. For these reasons, a vest is the best configuration.

What are the pouches on the front and back for? If you ever decide that you want protection from rifle rounds or heavier weaponry, you’ll need to acquire ballistic plates. We have a great plate at a great price as well and it fits perfectly in these pockets.  Our lightweight ceramic plates will fit in every size BulletSafe vest, while our Ultralight PE plates fit in Medium-4X BulletSafe Vests. Ask us about the available plates!

Is it comfortable? The BulletSafe Vest features a coolmax rear liner and fully adjustable top and side straps.  These features make it more comfortable than many bulletproof vests.  Still, bulletproof vests in general are not very comfortable and ours is no different. Protection is far more important than a bit of discomfort.

What does this vest look like concealed under a uniform shirt? Is it concealable?  Yes.  This vest is designed to conceal under your uniform, shirt, or jacket.

Bulletproof Vest Body Armor for Anyone Level IIIA 3A


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Additional information

Size Requested:

(S) Small $349.99, (M) Medium $349.99, (L) Large $349.99, (XL) Extra Large $349.99, (2X) 2 Extra Large $349.99, (4XL) 4 Extra Large $399.99


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