Street Legal HMMWV
OK people, since the DoD has decided to auction some of its “fine” HMMWV’s to the general public, there are many Humvee enthusiasts out there that have been asking how and if a HMMWV can be made street legal. We know, we know; the agreement you sign to buy one states that the buyer agrees that the HMMWV is an off-road vehicle, but alas, we all know what the real world translation to that is: is it possible and under what circumstance?
That’s where all of you HMMWV, Hummer, and Military truck enthusiasts come in!
Given that we like the HMMWV (a lot) at www.hummersurplusparts.com, we have been discussing many of the finer points of this subject as we sort, list, and photo our loads of surplus, and we know many of you are doing the same exact thing. Why not put your 2 cents in and leave a comment or two (do keep the comments on subject and relatively clean; oil stains acceptable).
As a start, our warehouse HMMWV enthusiasts pretty much concur that any interested HMMWV owner (who was lucky enough to nab a sweet HMMWV at auction), should start by familiarizing themselves with their state’s Department of Transportation/DMV requirements for a “road worthy,” street legal vehicle (yes, we know, HMMWV’s are the essence of such a statement, but due to the bureaucrats and safety-mongers, the situation is what it is). We figure once that list of “essential equipment” has been acquired (and it most certainly will vary by state), the lucky owners can then start that major undertaking of satisfying the paper-pushers in order to put that HMMWV to good work clearing the roads of enemy combatants (or at least waiting in traffic with all of the non-military vehicle drivers).
We will be conducting our own research into the possibility of a street legal HMMWV in the next few weeks/months, so be sure to leave a comment, opinion, or question. Hopefully, once our warehouse team gets this question answered, they can return to work and stop all the mindless searching on their cell phones and office PC’s.
As always, thank you all for your business and interest in www.hummersurplusparts.com
Feel free to check out our Facebook page as well!
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First step is done; since we are located in Virginia, a request for information has been made to the DMV because this agency handles the titling process in our state. Now we wait. Hopefully, their response will outline what a person who bought a HMMWV at auction will be up against. We will share the pertinent portions of the DMV response once it has been received.
follow this link for Street Legal Hmmwv service provider in Texas.
Thank you! I am researching the price point for buying at auction, rebuilding/refining, then street legalization to see the big picture.
As usual, the DMV is taking their sweet time; might get a response in the next few days. Working on plan B in the meantime.
Still no reply as of yet. Will be posting other angles of research into this matter as they become available. Our guess is that we should have kept that little alpha-numeric ticket the VA DMV gave us…
Just got my Humvee titled and tagged in GA, took multiple trips to Tag Office and calls to State Dept of Revenue but it is done!
Pat F,
That is epic news for me! I live in GA, too, and was looking to get one but wanted to make sure that the GA DoR/Tag Office wouldn’t have issues.
Were there any special steps you had to take to get yours registered? What was your starting point?
The beauty of this information is that if anyone gets a HMMWV tagged in GA, transfer should be easier in other states. There are several people in GA that will title a vehicle for you in GA for a fee. A few of them run the automotive trade show circuit.
are there people or services in GA that will title a vehicle for somebody out of state so that they can have a title to transfer into their own state? I live in NC and am having a difficult time
There are people and companies that do these types of services. We have run up on them at Car Shows such as Carlisle PA, Charlotte VA, and Moultrie GA; you might check with the even promoters and see if they can put you in touch with one of them. One of our employees has used one from GA a few decades back and had great luck. Another employee recently used one through Vermont (but at great expense) for a corvette.
i am considering bidding on a truck in Warner Robbins but wasn’t sure how Ga would allow me to title it Please explain the process you went through when you have time I appreciate your help Charlie
My boss just bought a 1993 Humvee in GA and is having trouble getting it titled. Can you tell me the process to which you were able to get yours titled?
Go to DDS get form for Police to verify serial number
Take that form, SF-97, and proof of insurance to DDS
Pay registration fee
Take License plate and affix to rear of Humvee
If DDS doesn’t understand the process, insist that the call Dept of Revenue
Patrick, I think the crux of the problem is the “proof of insurance” issue… insurer will insist on a VIN number which HMMWV’s do not have, then the insurer will refuse to insure it because you can’t provide a VIN #.
How does one get around the lack of a VIN #?
That I feel is the real magic trick…anyone???
Most states will issue a VIN in a process that happens prior to titling; check out the other post on getting a VIN for your HMMWV: https://www.hummersurplusparts.com/how-to-get-a-vin-for-your-hmmwv/
Hi Michael, I have multiple vehicles and other policies with State Farm. They had no problem with my unusual VIN and issued my insurance the same day I got it registered. Try talk with a local agent and see if they can help.
Thank you. What did you use for the “VIN” ?
Just the six digit serial number. That’s what is on my title and registration as well.
The problem we are running into is that we can’t get a title because Georgia apparently doesn’t title “off road vehicles”. Also, when calling the Dept. Of revenue, they pretty much laugh in our face at the issue.
From what I’ve learned, you need this form:
We have that and sent it in. The Dept. Of revenue sent all our forms back to us.
Hey Hannah –
Have you had any luck with this?
From my knowledge, he was able to get insurance but can’t get it titled because Georgia doesn’t title off-road vehicles.
Thanks Hannah – what part of GA are you in? Is he using the SF-97 or is he using the Florida title?
We’re in the Griffin area which is about an hour south of Atlanta and we have the SF-97 but I think it has “off-road” stamped at the top
in fla having trouble getting tag & title because of OHV not suitable for highway use on title. would like to known what county you did this in ,the paper work that was needed in Ga. for title . have 1993 m998 hummer , got in Nov. last year Iron planet.com but they gave me a fla. title with off road only. need help !
Got mine titled and registered in Jacksonville Fl about 2 weeks ago. Got it in Kernan and Atlantic Blvd DMV to be exact. Shoot me an email If you have questions, I’ve had same problem as yours before but they finally granted me the tag.
We sent our paperwork in to GA for titling. Waiting to hear back. It’s been about 2 weeks.
What documents do you need to take with you to the FLORIDA DMV for a road worthy Title in FLORIDA?
Any specific documents? Is this the Florida form HSMV 82040–Application for certificate of Title with/without Registration?
Do you have a VIN? Looks like one is needed on the forms. Or did you use the Serial Number?
Did you have Auto Insurance beforehand?
Do you need to take your Humvee to the DMV?
I am also trying to tag my “OHV” Humvee in Florida. Would appreciate any information on how this process works or if any one has been successful in Florida.
To all Floridians:
Got my tag and registration here in Duval County, Jacksonville, Fl. My Fl title that says “OHV” was replaced and registered as “UT” for utility truck. That DMV place is on Kernan Blvd. If you’re in a different county tell them that it was ok’d by the DMV Regional Office in Tampa. If your county still don’t want to issue you a title, just come over to Jacksonville with your : title, insurance, DL, and the bill of sale from Iron Planet/GovPlanet, no need to see the vehicle ‘coz there’s no inspection needed.
Apparently you got really lucky, according to Regional Administrator in Jax for the DHSMV, they should not have done that and might be investigated per his words:
“I believe he did got very lucky…
Because the weight of these Humvees, we are looking into why they are being titled is such manner, as the Humvees do not fall under Florida guidelines for a “Off-Highway Vehicle” specifically, “The OHV has three different vehicles that fall under this catagory, with the closest type of vehicle is defined as, “A recreational off- highway vehicle (ROV) is as any motorized recreational off-highway vehicle 64 inches or less in width, having a dry weight of 2,000 pounds or less, designed to travel on four or more non-highway tires, having non-straddle seating and a steering wheel, and manufactured for recreational use by one or more persons.
It seems to me that the final determination would be not to issue a title too since the vehicles weigh more than 1200 pounds. Our procedure TL-44 states: “Any OHV weighing over 1,200 pounds or ROV weighing over 2,000 pounds or is not subject to title.”
Clearly a Humvee would exceed this weight limit. Based on the discussions I’ve heard on this subject, I would hold off on anther purchase. If the determination may be made not to [continue to] title these vehicles in Florida, I can guarantee that GovPlanet will be contacted immediately.”
We all need to be careful how we approach and pressure these DMV departments; if too many requests, or one really big tantrum is thrown, we all will suffer. Be sure to keep all inquiries professional and low-key in the hopes of getting a favorable response for everyone.
For those who have gotten their humvees street legal in GA, which car insurance agency do y’all use?
Pat F,
I live in Atlanta GA- I have made an attempt to get a tag for my Humvee. I took the SF97 and the inspection form from the police but the also asked me for the certificate to obtain title to a vehicle which on top has OFF ROAD USE ONLY. I know if I take it , they will not let me register the vehicle. How were you able to get yours done? Please let me know.
I just purchased a 1994 M998A1 Humvee HMMWV and will be trying to register in Texas. I’m waiting on my EUC to be approved to take delivery. I will be wanting to get it street legal as well.
I’m also going to need parts but is there a diagram some where I can purchase to figure out part names so I can order intelligently?
There are quite a few resources you can find online for free that show every part, part number, and NSN identification number for each part. We use several at the shop to help identify our parts. If you search HMMWV, M998, Humvee, or one of the other designations on a search engine, you can usually find a full .pdf manual with very little trouble at no cost. There are sites that sell printed versions, but honestly, the electronic work very well given that most people only need them from time to time and can print the needed pages when it is necessary. I will check to see if we can offer the files we have on our website as a courtesy or small fee to maintain site (The IT department will need to figure out how to allow downloads).
My EUC was clear last week and the HUMVEE M998 was on the truck heading to me in Houston now this weekend!! Sweet!
I asked the DMV in Austin, they said no problem, but first thing first I have to have state inspection done before I can submit paperwork to DMV… if anything happens to your site let me know vice versa..
Good deal! That’s is in line with what we expected; the state/commonwealths will base their decision on the required road equipment on the vehicle.
How long did it take your EUC to clear? Its been three weeks and couting for mine…
It seems some localities take their sweet time; our team has seems to think that this is due to the respective administrations not really knowing what to do with these type of vehicle sales.
any luck registering in texas? I am in texas also and am wanting to buy one very bad but cannot afford to have it if I cant drive it. plz let me know. thx!!
Hi Dennis,
Any progress on getting your HUMVEE registered in TX? Im looking at getting one of these asap, so interested in your experience.
We haven’t heard anything from TX; hopefully, information will become available from a TX HMMWV buyer.
any luck registering in texas? I am in texas also and am wanting to buy one very bad but cannot afford to have it if I cant drive it. plz let me know. thx!!
I make HMMWVs street legal, pretty sure I am the only one who does. I am located in Austin Texas and only do this in Austin Texas, please contact me if you are interested. My service typically raises the vehicle value 21k upon making the vehicle street legal, so my fee is substantial but worth every penny. Please contact me at:
We approved your comment as it may be beneficial to those that are interested; however for the general benefit of the blog readership given your expertise, what equipment do you usually add or alter for road use on HMMWV’s?
How hard would it be if Im a florida resident and have my hmmwv titled at texas and just transfer it to florida title?
Matt how long did your euc take?
I got a M998 for $5700 at GovPlanet and it runs great! Got lucky! I’m in North Carolina and have started the titling process by contacting the Theft and Inspection Agency. I asked the Agent in Marion, NC and he recommended titling it as a 2015 Custom. He’ll be at my house this Friday to inspect it and hopefully give it a VIN number. We’ll see???
Great to hear that you managed to nab a good one! Let us know how your endeavor works out. We have yet to hear from VA’s officials, but when we get it, we will post it. Thank you for sharing on our site!
I am near lake norman and also have a m998 any luck with this??
Hi I am also in the lake Norman area please get ahold of me. I am looking at getting a M998 and would like to talk to you about how your getting titled?
Send us an email at hummersurplusparts@hummersurplusparts.com – you can ask any questions and provide contact information; we try to keep everybody’s information safe from the internet trolls.
I am getting a list together of guys in NC so we can swap info and possible rides. Email me if you want me to pass info to you.
Thanks bargerashe@bellsouth.net
Where in NC are you? As the others I’m in the LKN area and interested how the process went. Email me @ danm7890@yahoo.com and let me know!
Aaron, How did it go with the guy from the Theft and inspections Agency?
I just got my 1989 M998 two weeks ago from govplanet. I live here in Lenoir close to you and need to get it tagged as well. I have not received my Florida Title yet but that should be within a week or two. I paid $10,500 for mine and it is almost perfect. 3k original miles. I am replacing the alternator but that is about it. I am pretty happy with mine. email me with any info you can give me. Thanks, bargerashe@bellsouth.net
Good luck on getting the title. Just for the bill of sale Gov Planet I had to call 4 times and it took them almost 2 months after I picked it up. Be sure to call them and ask. Repeat every week. Good luck
There have been quite a few reports like this; Gov Planet seems to not really care about the end user’s paperwork – just look at their reviews on the websites/facebook pages/Better Business Bureau. Hopefully, this process will get better.
Did you have any issues with a road title in NC?
I am getting a list together of guys in NC so we can swap info and possible rides. Email me if you want me to pass info to you.
Thanks bargerashe@bellsouth.net
I am getting a list together of guys in NC so we can swap info and possible rides. Email me if you want me to pass info to you.
Thanks bargerashe@bellsouth.net
Also I have started an NC group on facebook so we can all stay in touch and see each others rides.
Dan MacIsaac
We have an answer from DMV; appearently, they are parroting the DoD policy.
It seems that Virginia will not title any HMMWV that isn’t already titled (this begs the question of what happens when a title is transferred in).
DMV reply:
Hey guys that’s awesome your in VA, as I am located in Springfield. Here is what I have found talking w/DMV, State Police, etc.
The rather gray area in the matter with the purchase of one of the auctioned hmmwv’s is that you sign an agreement that states:
“Buyer acknowledges that the Humvee is not roadworthy and agrees that Humvee is for off-highway use only.”
Now obviously the argument can be made that yes at this point in time is it’s not roadworthy but nothing in the paperwork says I cannot make it roadworthy. But the off-highway use ONLY is the kicker I suppose, because does that apply once I fix it and make it road worthy? Gray area… Also when purchasing this you have to fill out a DLA 1822 which goes through both the TSC, and the DLA’s Inspector Generals Office. On this form it request your intended use/purpose for purchasing this vehicle… so I’m sure if you put to drive it on the highway you would get red flagged and denied.
Having said all that the State Police don’t really care about what agreement I made b/c that’s between me and the DLA/TSC. They informed me that in order for me to get the vehicle on the road the first thing I would need to do is get a VIN assigned since they don’t have them. I then spoke to the DMV and they informed me to be assigned a VIN I had to send VSA 22 with the reconstruction box checked, along with all the paperwork I have so far which is the GovPlanet Invoice, Item Release Form, and Notarized Bill of Sale. Once I take that to the DMV they will then send it off to Richmond and I will wait to see what happens. If I do get it back I will now have a VIN which would mean all I have to do is from that point on document all changes made to the vehicle and be sure it is up to par with safety requirements. Once I have done that I can take it to the State Police and have them inspect it and if it passes take it to the DMV and I should have a street legal HMMWV!
Seeing as how I am not trying to get in any trouble I am currently looking into purchasing a HMMWV frame that obviously doesn’t come with a EUC agreement or a DLA1822 and just parting out the one I have now.
I spoke with GovPlanet and they said they don’t see any reason why I couldn’t part out the one I have, but I will be checking with the DLA/TSC to see if they have any issues as well.
As far as them not titling in VA the response they gave you, I’m not sure how they will not title it if I have a VIN. Last I checked the closest definition of vehicle for the HMMWV in the database was “AM General 4×4 Utility” which sounds nothing like Humvee. Or worse case scenario I guess we’d have to take it to another state have it titled and then brought back in. Guess I’ll find out.
Hope this help! Again take all this with a grain of salt b/c they can change their minds at anytime but hopefully all this remains true.
Even better! We thought as much. Usually, when questions are asked to people that have to actually look things up, they just tell you they can’t comply with your request – one of our warehouse associates worked for the USPS for quite a few years and has a good many stories about bureaucracy in action.
We have also wondered how the Commonwealth of VA will apply personal property taxes to the vehicle if it is not titled; no locality ever wants taxable property unregistered; which is probably why any locality/state issuing agency will assign a VIN and allow a title that is for a non-road vehicle. Even if the state/commonwealth titles under 4×4 or other non-road vehicle, your bill of sale is a document that shows the pedigree of your HMMWV.
Curiosity of the matter, did the agreement state how future transfers of the HMMWV had to be handled? Given that a subsequent buyer might not be party to the original agreement that the HMMWV is not a road vehicle, it would stand to reason that such a person might try to make the HMMWV street legal in the future.
Truthfully we had wondered why there was a double standard on road use; on a recent trip to Warner Robbins AFB in GA, we spotted a police agency southeast of Atlanta using a HMMWV painted up in police colors- most certainly it was a HMMWV that the DoD gave that department; obviously, the HMMWV is suitable for the roads in that district.
Its not possible in Minnesota. I just attempted the “street legal process” with a sandrail dune buggy made from 1960’s Volkswagen components. The state requires a “safety inspection” to be done by law enforcement before they will issue a VIN… Easy, right? Wrong. There isn’t any established form or paperwork. You are completely at the mercy of whatever employee you get. I went round-and-round with them and it was clear they weren’t going to issue me a VIN for my “specially built vehicle.” They didn’t even know what was required to be street-legal in MN!?!
Ultimately I won. I bought an old VW beetle project with a title and rebuilt my entire buggy around that vintage frame. I’m on the road now as an antique / “collector car.”
tl/dr: Minnesota Depaetment of vehicle services is hostile toward “unconventional” cars/trucks/buggies.
Isn’t that lovely; I am sure being “extra-courteous” does not hurt when dealing with “no actual guidelines” type situations. Given the few interactions with the officials here in VA, we suspect that the MN officials must attend the same government sanctioned schools. Thanks for sharing your experience, it is much appreciated, it just goes to show that persistence pays off.
Why not rip off the body get an old suburban and drop the body on the suburban frame. Register it with the suburban vin?
That would probably get you a clean title, however, it would create a “hybrid” type HMMWV that may not have all the characteristics of the original chassis. Don’t get us wrong, such an option could be viable if done correctly, just not always preferable.
Anyone from PA try to get a Vin yet?
any luck in texas anyone??? my local auto registration offices says no in panola county
We haven’t heard about Texas; you might request information from their DMV. We have heard the smaller offices in the middle of nowhere have a greater chance of issuing the “good” paperwork.
We are still having a great many requests for this information come in. If you have managed to legally register your HMMWV in your home state for road use, let us know. We are betting that there are other people out there that can learn from your success.
Anyone from SC try to register one yet for road use or plan on it?
I’m in Atlanta GA.I too would like to see if anyone knows if Military bought Humvees (through http://www.govplanet.com) can be street legal in GA?
http://www.govplanet.com is holding a Humvee auction on 6/24/15 and I hope to get one depending if I can make it street legal in GA.
We have not heard anything official out of GA as of yet, but something we noted on our last trip to Warner Robbins AFB, there were GA Police using DoD Humvee’s to patrol around Atlanta; in our book, if it is good enough for the police, it is good enough for the public.
In Texas hoping that it can be done. Will keep monitoring. Don’t see why not since you can own an H1…so what is stopping someone from spec-ing an HMMWV to similar standards.
That is our sentiments exactly; the H1 has pretty much the same stance and wear on the road and we think it is BS that many States use the reason that the HMMWV is harder on the road surfaces than the H1.
I’m searching for an answer over here in Indiana. My dad has a 1915 T-bucket that he registered with the state as a “custom car” due to no VIN, etc. back then. Hoping I can find some type of loop-hole over here through that route. (Fingers crossed)
We are not that sure how to make such a change, though it is certain that this might be useful information to the HMMWV owners that want clean, “normal” titles as well. Hopefully, there is someone in Indiana that can reply and help us all out.
According to: http://www.in.gov/bmv/3110.htm in reference to titling “off road vehicles”
“The BMV will not issue license plates regardless of equipment modifications such as turn signals or windshield wipers added to the vehicle”
If the Florida title comes with a “off road vehicle” designation, then it sounds like that route will not work.
That is something we all need to know before getting one of those FL titles.
@jason. Any updates on process for VA? I am in Prince William county and have been itching to get one for off road and pulling my boat 🙂
The last word we got from VA was that the DMV had no intention of allowing a full road use title/registration for an HMMWV. Our suggestion would be to find a podunk DMV office in the middle of nowhere and try titling it as normal. The only thing that might complicate this transaction is if your HMMWV needs a VIN assigned. Of course, this is just speculation. Let us know if you turn anything further up.
Hey guys… got good news for VA anyways. Not sure if you heard but as of Monday ALL the hmmwv’s on govplanet are now being sold with SF97’s ( Govt. version of a title!) so with a notarized bill of sale and the SF97 we should now be able to make them street legal. They are still being sold for off-road use only. I just got off the phone with the Richmond DMV Branding office and informed them that I plan on taking it down to the frame, and install new engine, new transmission, seats, doors, etc. They said as long as I can show proof of ownership (i.e. the SF97) receipts for the upgrades and tons of pictures to show the work being down they will process it. Once it’s processed I have to take it to a local state police station to have it inspected, which after talking to most troopers they think this is awesome and have no issues passing it as long as it should. The only other issue is possibly the VIN number. I informed the DMV it has a serial number specific to that vehicle but it’s not a 16 digit like normal vehicles. They said that wasn’t a problem either, they said what will happen most likely is that once the trooper inspects it, he will put in a request for me to have a new VIN assigned. Again I hope this helps guys and of coarse just going to throw this waiver out there, just because they told me this now doesn’t mean it’s going to stay that way or even honor it when I try and apply for this. Good luck guys!!!
That was the answer we had expected all along. Shame on the DMV for relaying such prior thoughts that the HMMWV’s are not suitable for road use.
I also spoke with the DLA’s Attorney General’s Office and they also don’t seem to really care if we drive them on the road way. However since I did sign the off road use only waiver I decided to go a different way then just titling it. I also asked them if they had any issues with me using the hmmwv for parts and building one from the ground up, and they again had no issues, other then don’t sell the parts to overseas buyers, and inform the buyer the govt can come for these parts whenever they feel, but they have to pay for them. So I will be applying for a reconstruction title once I’m done building it, since it will no longer be the vehicle I purchased from Govplanet but one I built, it will be suitable for highway use.
Thank you for the update. We are sure there are a lot of people out there that can use this information. Hopefully, your reconstruction will be quick and the State Police will make it easy to get the needed paperwork so you can get your Humvee rolling.
You seem to be on top of this whole process. Me and my father are looking into doing this as a project and trying to find out all the little details. Is there a way I can contact you? Email would be fine if your ok with that.
We would be happy to hear from you! You can email us at hummersurplusparts@hummersurplusparts.com
We have a couple more informational articles in the works and will post them on the site once all the research falls in place (as usual, we are waiting on the government agencies to stop dragging their feet).
wanted to try and buy a hummer but never new they are not street legal, has anyone drove the roads in Michigan? its almost like driving off road anyhow lol but is there a way to make them street legal or not as of yet because i dont understand how thats possible when i seen them drove on the streets all the time by the army??! how is it possible, the army breaking laws? thats a bit messed up dont you think? they should be sited for driving illegal vehicles on public roads then lol JS if i could get a ticket why not my government ?? Right is right
We have not heard anything out of Michigan; we recently contacted the VA State Police and are cyphering what they told us for a new article on what is required. We would expect most states to copy the Department of Transportation standards for vehicle equipment that is required for normal road vehicles.
As for the DoD using HMMWV’s on the road (and state/local police departments), when you make the rules, you get to basically do what you want to (we know it sucks).
Will be looking into SD more. Able to put ATV’s and Japanese mini-trucks on the road with proper documents. My first through was historical plates … but that is 30 yrs. Fast as time flies, it will not be long. Anyone already been this path in SD?
Some of the HMMWV’s up for auction were manufactured in the 1980’s; it wouldn’t be a stretch to get one that old. We are still picking the various officials of VA to see if there is an “easy” route. We are sure one exists, the right official just has to be located.
We are planning our 1st Annual 9/11 Heroes Run on 12 Sep 2015 in Alexandria, VA and I’m trying to find out if there’s anyone in the area who could bring a HMMWV to our event. The purpose of the event is to HONOR the fallen (military and first responders) by challenging the living. And to connect the 99% (those who haven’t served in the military or first responder communities with the 1% of our population who have. We are going to have muscle cars, police and fire, EOD displays, color guard, American Flag suspended between two ladder trucks and it would be incredible to see a couple HMMWV’s lined up with the ladder trucks. Is this even possible?? I apologize in advance if this isn’t the forum for this request, but I’m running out of ideas for how to make this happen.
No need for any apology! We are happy to entertain you request, however we have not acquired one of the DoD’s HMMWV’s from auction as of yet, but there may be one of our blog readers in your area. Hopefully, one of them will be close enough and want to come. Thank you for taking the time to ask us and visit our site/blog.
Roger that. Thanks! Will stand by to see if anyone in the Northern Virginia has the capability and interest. Here’s a quick listing of some of the other displays and features of the 9/11 Heroes Run we’re planning:
• Race start on Carl Sandburg Blvd with two FCFD ladder trucks suspending the American Flag above – runners begin and end the race by passing under the BIG flag!
• Muscle cars and vintage sports cars
• Police pursuit vehicles and ambulances
• Park police horses
• Vintage military vehicles
• Canine unit display
• EOD display with police robot
• Marine Corps pull up competition
• Star Wars characters
• Vendor village with organizations like CBS Sports DC (they own 106.7 The Fan and 99.1 News Now), Navy Federal Credit Union, USMC with over 50 “Poolies” to run in platoon formation, and others.
• Patriotic opening ceremony with FCPD color guard and National Anthem sung by Miss Anna Bozard from West Potomac High School
• Boy Scout troops serving FREE Pancake and Bacon Breakfast
• Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals for top three finishers (male and female) in 11 Age Groups – that’s 66 medals total!
Hey Jim, not sure if I have away of getting my hmmwv their but if we could figure something out I should be available that day.
That would be great! We’d love to have you participate. The URL for the Alexandria 9/11 Heroes Run is: http://www.travismanion.org/?post_type=tmf_911run_race&p=5499
Just got the Humvee I got at govplanet auction titled in Ga. I received the SF 97 and took it to Tag office. It took a couple trips to fervor done but they now know how to do it. I can’t tell you how excited I was to get my Tag and take the Humvee on the road. It should not be a problem getting a title in Ga anymore!
Good deal! We knew the bureaucrats would eventually figure it out; this is one of the instances where persistence pays off.
Hi Pat,
| am in GA, too. And I really really want to buy a Humvee. But I ‘ve head people are having a hard time titling it.
With you please share your experience with me on how to get it registered and titled.
I truly appreciate your contact: vinhvinny@hotmail.com
The warehouse team suspects that some offices will be more strict than others; it might be that more rural areas have an easier time getting the documentation.
I was able to get my Tag at the Office in Columbus. You will need the SF 97. The original listed Iron Planet as the owner. Iron planet included a notarized letter transferring ownership to me when I paid for the SF 97. You will need both to show you are the rightful owner. You will also a need another form which the Tag office gave me to have the police come and verify the serial number. I also had to have insurance on the Humvee as well. With these four items, I was able to get the Tag. We had to call the State Dept of Revenue a few times to make it clear that it was legal. The Tag person initially insisted that the state wouldn’t tag the vehicle because it says Off Road Use Only on the SF 97 bit a call to the state cleared that up. The final issue was that the serial number of my Humvee was already assigned to a Horse Trailer in Ga from 1982 and it took a few calls back to the State Dept of Revenue to figure out hoe to enter my information into the computer system without it being rejected. I hope this makes it easier for future buyers, Pat
This means that the people of GA would do well to visit this same Motor Vehicle office.
it took multiple trips to the tag office before is able to get my title. I may have been the first person in Georgia to do it and that may be why it took so long. To save you some time, you will need the SF 97 as well as the letter from iron planet transferring the Title to you. iron planet is listed as the owner on the SF 97, but he automatically included the notarized letter transferring the ownership to me. he will also need to have insurance on the vehicle which was very easily accomplished with USAA. the last thing he will need is a form from the tag office for the local police to inspect year vehicle to verify the serial number. When I received the form, I called the police department and they sent an officer out in 10 minutes to complete the verification. We had to call back and forth to the state Department of Revenue to make sure everything was done correctly and to get a VIN number. Hopefully everyone is now aware of the process but you may have to deal with someone at your local tag office that has no experience obtaining a title for the surplus Humvee and you will have to walk them through it. Having the TAg office call the State Department of Revenue will save you a lot of time, if they are unfamiliar. Hope this helps. Pat
Thank you for sharing, this is most definitely helpful to those that live in GA or use GA to title their Humvee.
Pat, if you’re comfortable with it, can you send me your tag # and possibly your title number? Our DDS says that if we can prove where a humvee has been titled in the state of GA before, they can title ours but until then, they won’t touch it.
I am in GA also, my friend just had a successful case with his HMMWV registration.
However, he has some luck with his SF-97 form.
I am about to buy mine.
email me: vinhvinny@hotmail.com
I will help whatever I can.
did they have to inspect the hummer? the unsafe seats and no air bags i would think it would fail lol
I am in GA and would like to know the specifics of the process you went through to get yours titled and tagged so I can do the same.
Hey Hannah –
I’ll send a note to your email. I’m still in process with the state – if I find something that works, I’ll be happy to share. If you find a path, I’d love to know how you did it!
Took my SF97 stamped off road use to the Oregon DMV. They require a letter from AM General stating the vehicle meets all DOT and safety standards. Uh yeah…
Does anyone have an experience titling a HMMWV in Washington? Silly thing is i’ve seen 2 in Oregon on the road with plates and tags, must have known someone at the DMV.
Blake, did you ever get to title your hmmwv in washington? I got one here in Hawaii and they won’t title mine, however my son lives in Washington so I was thinking maybe it was possible to do it in Washington.
PS, I made no modifications to the Humvee I purchased. It was in perfect running condition and I was able to get the Tag without doing a single thing to the vehicle. Pat
I know a couple of guys were asking to contact me in VA. Feel free to email me at japojr1@hotmail.com and I’ll help you the best I can.
On a side note, I just got off the phone with Govplanet. Apparently Virginia is one of the 13 states that won’t recognize the SF 97. Having said that, instead of paying the $50 fee for the SF 97, we are paying $150 for a actual car title from the state of Florida. According to the rep. at Govplanet, since it will be an actual title the 13 states would not be allowed to deny you a car title. As far as whether or not the title says off-road use only is left to be seen. They said they should have it to me in 2-4 weeks. I will keep you guys posted.
Even better. A transfer is going to make this so much easier.
Hi Jason,
I was just following up to see if you got that FL title? And if it says “off-road use only”.
I believe they posted a link to the Florida title I received and it does say Off-Road Use only. Look under recent post and it says Fl. Title. Hope this helps.
I to am waiting for my EUC to clear. In Missouri they are one of the 13 misfits that won’t accept an SF-97. I am getting a FL state title for mine but I’ve been told from a reliable source that the title will list the vehicle as Off Road Only. According to him once that hits the database that every state will be able to see it and will note it on the transferred title. I own a Deuce and a 939 5 ton truck and none truly meets safety standards but never had a problem getting them titled. Just had to have the VIN verified and transfer the title. I really appreciate this discussion it has been extremely informative.
Mike, I’m Missouri as well and still waiting for my EUC to clear as well.
I purchased the SF-97 at time of sale.
I’m curious if after the fact I should do something different since MO doesn’t accept it?
I’m a little unclear on the Florida title for yours. I see Jason above did the same thing.
Is that based on your or GovPlanet’s preferential choice or based on location of vehicle when you purchased it?
Once you have a Florida title, how do you plan on proceeding further?
Rick I am still checking and will confirm, but I talked to a friend that works at the Dept. of Revenue and she checked with her supervisor who told her that they do accept a SF-97 in Missouri. If this is true I will change mine back to a SF-97 as well. I know you have to go to the DOR and order a DOR-551 form and inspection with the Highway Patrol (I had to do that with my 5 Ton). After that I was going to take it in and register it. Both the Florida title and the SF-97 will be marked as “Off Road Only”. I’m not sure if DOR has a classification for it. All I can find in Missouri is OHV “Off Highway Vehicle”. So I’m not sure what DOR will do. I still checking and will let you know what I find. Keeping my fingers crossed.
We you successful with your SF97 in MO?
No Tyler still waiting to receive it. I am still waiting for the EUC to clear so I can pick it up in NJ. After the EUC then I will receive the SF-97. My friend that works at the revenue office fell and broke her ribs so I’ve not been able to find anymore out from her.
Tyler I’ve had other people in Missouri confirm that MO will accept an SF-97. I’m getting the FL title, not sure if it’s worth it. For the “Off Road Only” I’ve done some checking and in MO there are 3 classes of “Off Highway Vehicles”. The HMMHV is to wide and to heavy for any of the classes. That’s was with the new law that was just passed in Aug. I think HB 1735. Doesn’t mean they will allow them on the road just not sure how they will classify them. I will keep you posted.
How long did the euc take?
I see that GA guys have been successful in fighting the red tape, and that VA May be set now that the sf-97 is standard with auctioned trucks….but has anyone tried in KY? I was looking into either a m-38 or cucv until I caught wind that these “off-road only” hmmwvs are possibly road legal. Being that I actually served in hmmwvs (mostly armored), they speak to me much more than other military vehicles.
Has anyone in Texas had any luck making it through the process of registering their Humvee?
I’m hoping to get one at the upcoming auctions in NJ. I see many have been sold in NJ since late last year. Wondering if anyone has any info on titling one for road use here?
I’m hoping to get one at the upcoming auctions in NJ. I see many have been sold in NJ since late last year. Wondering if anyone has any info on titling one for road use here?
Moderators – can I start a new post regardging “getting a title in NJ” ?
If you can get any information on your specific state, we can attempt to create a post. As new information or easy to title states become available, we will definitely post such information in new posts. Keep in mind that we try to make our posts relevant to all of our readership/visitors (this is both to not waste the time of our visitors and to keep the google webcrawlers semi-happy).
Has anyone been successful titling a Humvee for “road use” in North Carolina?
Hopefully, NC will be figured out soon; since we are located near the VA/NC line, we have been watching both states closely.
I am very interested in the NC laws too! Please keep us posted!
Will do! We try to publish new information from all states as we get it.
I’ve contacted Michigan’s Secretary of State Office (DMV), to see how much of a hassle it’s going to be (if any), to get a title and plate for a HMMWV I bought from govplanet. My EUC won’t be approved until around November. It doesn’t look good so far.
Here’s a string of emails to Michigan’s Secretary of State Office (DMV).
My original email:
name: Ken A
comments: I’ve bought a demilitarized Humvee. I’ll be receiving a government title (SF97-1), and it will list the vehicle as “For Off-Road Use Only”. In talking with my friends who are MSP Troopers, all I have to do is have a TR-54 (Vehicle Number and On-Road Equipment Inspection) completed, and I can get a normal title for this vehicle. This is because it’s NOT an Off-Road Vehicle. It’s designated For Off-Road Use Only. Mainly because not all of the items listed on the TR-54 are functional. Obviously, before I can have the inspection done, I’ll fix everything required. And then bring my SF97-1, TR-54, receipt, and proof of insurance, to my local SOS and get a title and plate. Please reply to confirm that my information is correct. Thanks
From SOS:
Dear Sir,
Thank you for using the Department of State’s web site.
A vehicle manufacturer for off-road use only is not eligible for an assembled vehicle title as of August 24, 2015.
If you have other questions, feel free to contact us at 888 SOSMICH (888-767-6424).
Department of State Information Center
My response:
Is there a specific state law or rule you’re referring to that was enacted on August 24th, 2015? Because I believe there’s a difference between an off-road vehicle and for off-road use only. I’m not asking that it be eligible for an assembled vehicle title. It’s not an off-road vehicle. It’s a vehicle that designed to go on-road and off-road, that needs to have all of the items working and in order (lights, brakes, etc.) on the equipment inspection form. Why else would the TR-54 exist?
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Ken A
From SOS (copy and pasted from their website):
Thank you for using the Department of State’s web site.
You stated, ” I’ll be receiving a government title (SF97-1), and it will list the vehicle as “For Off-Road Use Only”, that means it was manufacturered for off road use only and cannot be changed to an assembled vehicle.
Vehicles manufactured as an off-road vehicle (ORV) cannot be modified and titled as an assembled vehicle for on-road use. A vehicle manufactured as an ORV, even if the owner added accessories such as lights, windshield, and street legal tires, does not qualify as an assembled vehicle, including a low-speed assembled vehicle, because:
It was not built from new or used parts by someone other than a manufacturer, and
It was not altered or modified to the extent that it no longer reflects its original manufacturer configuration.
Manufacturers state their vehicles are not designed for on-road use and include a statement on their Manufacturer Certificate of Origin (MCO) that the vehicle was built for off-road use only. ORVs that cannot be titled and registered for on-road use as an assembled vehicle include:
a) 4-wheel and 6-wheel ORV utility vehicles. These units look like small trucks with a roof. Examples include the Polaris Ranger, John Deere Gator, Kawasaki Mule, Yamaha Viking, Honda Pioneer, and Kubota RTV.
b) 4-wheel all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). Often called “quads,” these are units with handlebars and a seat straddled by the operator.
c) Three and four-wheel ATVs often called “quads.”
d) Dune buggies manufactured for off-road use only.
e) Gray Market off-road “mini trucks.” These are imported as ORVs rather than motor vehicles. It is not possible to upgrade them to meet U.S. EPA emission standards and DOT safety standards. They can only be titled as an ORV. Examples include the Suzuki Carry, Subaru Sambar, Honda ACTY, Mazda Scrum, and Daihatsu Hijet.
Vehicles whose MCO show the vehicle was built to federal low speed vehicle standards may be titled as a low speed vehicle using the year, make, and VIN shown on the MCO.
If you have other questions, feel free to contact us at 888 SOSMICH (888-767-6424).
Department of State Information Center
My last response:
Is there a specific state law or rule you’re referring to that was enacted on August 24th, 2015? Or is what’s listed on the SOS website gospel?
I don’t believe you’re right. “For Off-Road Use Only” does not mean it was manufactured for off road use only. There are Humvee convoys on roads and highways often. I do not see 4-wheel Gator’s or ATV’s, or dune buggies on the roads, ever. And the Federal Government owns them too.
I believe the intent of the Federal Government, by labelling it as ” For Off-Road Use Only”, was to ensure that it would have to go through an equipment inspection prior to being driven on roads.
Seems they have taken the “complicate beyond a normal persons interest” approach as well.
Has anyone had any luck in Nebraska?
Hello……for the Texas buyers:
How has the process to make it street legal gone???
Would the process be easier with an SN97 or the “off road use only” Florida title???
and lastly I wonder if I can make a 2002 street legal since no air bags???
Any help would be GREATLY appreacited…
p.s. If I buy one I wonder what kind of risk Im taking driving it back with paper plates??
This has been the best thread I have found about getting these rigs on the road, since purchasing our 90 HMMWV. I am in CO and have just started the title process. Great work here. And I will post any progress or roadblocks I run into in the coming months.
Let us know if you find out anything; we are definitely interested in finding out about each state as we can. We appreciate your input.
Hello everybody i just paid my M988 1989 from govplanet.com, and i live in California and i really really want to get the plates for this toy , i purchased with the sf97 and title , so i was wondering how do i get the plates for this toy ,do i have to go to other state i don’t mind as long i get the plates im happy…
I am in San Jose, CA. I just bought one M998 /1992, still waiting for EUC approved. Not sure how to get it legal street in CA, but I saw one have been driving on free way 101 in San Jose area , and many friend of my saw it on the street after I told them. Keep in touch and share with me if any info you may have. Thanks.
Chau Nguyen hi im from El Monte CA too i just bougth one M998/1992 i would like to keep in contact to see what step to do to legalize the humvee, my name is Marlon Gonzalez.thanks
hi junior im from California too let me know if any luck on having plates on the humvee ,I bought one too. my name is marlon.thanks
I made a couple calls to New Jersey’s DMV office. No clear answers…..but didn’t get a no either. Might have to get a reconstruct title and have to get it inspected. NJ does accept the SF-97 form, so I might be better off with tht than the FL title. For anyone that already received a SF-97, is it marked on there that it’s “off road use only” ?
I’ll keep posting here with any new information.
It doesn’t seem that the “off-road only” markings on the SF-97’s are throwing flags in all the Motor Vehicle offices given the comments on our posts. The one thing that is for certain; small rural offices in any state will likely be easier to use these SF-97’s than the more experienced metropolitan offices.
Fred how’d you do with New Jersey DMV ? I just bout a m998 and bony know what to do
Fred how’d you do with New Jersey DMV ? I just bout a m998 and bony know what to do, my email twodogscarpentry@yahoo.com
Anyone in Utah that went through the process of titling one?
I did see “Plan B” has all their Humvees street legal in Utah. Not sure how they did it tho…
According to UTA DMV, any vehicle that can pass Utah Vehicle Safety/emissions requirements can be registered for on-road use.
That would make Utah a viable option given a way to correct any emissions flaw.
Thank you for letting us know.
I’ve got my eye on some to bid on tomorrow……even though I still don’t know if I can ever title and register it in NJ. Anyway, can anyone telll me if anything with this EUC forms says that you cannot sell it in the future?
Any word on nj DMV?
Regarding titling Humvees in Michigan – Go to:
Or Search for: ORV Assembled Vehicle Dealer Bulletin – State of Michigan
This official “State of Michigan” document dated 08-24-2015 specifically mentions “Humvee.”
I found that document too. But here’s what the website says:
They left out the HUMVEE…. It’s like when going to the Secretary of State (MI DMV), it all depends on who you get. I called govplanet and ponied up the extra money for a Florida title. It’s just labeled a 1992 AMGC, not suitable for highway use. I’ll be calling it an M998 military vehicle, when I go to get a plate. Not HUMVEE. Along with my completed TR-54 signed by a State Trooper stating it has all necessary equipment for the road (which it will). It’s worth a shot. I’ll keep everyone posted.
That may work in other states as well. Terminology is often the difference between success and failure with government employees.
Is there any update on the Michigan title process? Did the Florida title work? Before I bid on mine in July I called the Michigan Secretary of State and they said no problem..just need a bond and an inspection form. I’m still working on an inspection from the police and try to get it through with a bill of sale and the inspection.
Just called the Ohio State Patrol office and was told “no matter what you do to that THING you will never be able to title it for use on road.”…….we’ll just see about that
Our sentiments exactly; there is almost always some sort of loophole.
I just bought one located in California today. Called the title office in troy before hand and the woman claimed it to be no problem. I doubt I’ll get my toy any time soon but when I do, I’ll update with my progress.
Jmac, any update on this?
I’m in Dayton and was wondering if anyone around here has bought one yet…
I’ve been reading and researching for the last few weeks to see if anyone in Dayton, Ohio has had any luck getting this Street legal!
REALLY REALLY interested in picking one up! ….BUT I obviously want to drive this on the road.
Still waiting for my EUC 2 months and counting. If your thinking of bidding on a Hmmwv from GP you better plan on a long, long wait. I did contact Missouri DOR and they do accept the SF-97 for title. I will be going that route. I’ve already paid for the FL title but they will credit you the money you paid. I will post more as it changes.
Rich I also live in CO and have been looking at these auctions. Let me know how your titling goes. I own a 99 H1 and only headache is emissions testing in Denver as there’s only one place that can dyno a permanent 4WD diesel. If I get one I would bring both H1 and HMMWV to inspector so he has no excuses regarding safety other than crash padding in the dash
In Virginia, most Diesel 4×4’s are fall under the classification of business/commercial style vehicles if they are larger than a 1500/150 style truck and are exempt from such testing. It might be that your H1 is mis-classed; however, do check to see if there is any property tax impact if there is a reclassing procedure- any “business-use” vehicle is taxed at a higher rate in VA.
Titling in COas of now started the process of getting a standard 17 digit vin assigned to my hmmwv. A couple forms filled out and currently waiting for a state trooper to stop by and complete a certified vin inspection and safety inspection. Then I will be moving on to titling. As for emissions, we are in an area that does not require testing. As for equipment needed to be street legal it is c.r.s title 42. But basically what I have found and learned over the years is that if it came from the factory that way than it can stay that way. I have a ’65 sedan Deville that has no rear seat belts and it is okay because that was an optional item in 1965.
We have encountered that same situation; if the vehicle was made from the factory with no such emissions/safety options, it was always grandfathered in with a clause in the laws governing such vehicles.
Im also looking into titling one in NJ, and I see a lot of M35’s cruising around, I looked at the plates and they’re all historic! Im not familiar with filing for historic plates, but I wonder if you have an older model made before 1990 if it would make this process any easier.
Last time we checked, most states require the vehicle to be 20-25 years old to qualify for the vintage/antique tags. If you find out anything specific for NJ, let us know; this may be a great alternative to a straight out registration.
There is a guy is Austin he already posted here that can get you street legal and help with getting plates for you V. We have a couple Vs and will admit our first one we did what everyone used to do. Went on to post found the same model and jotted down the bumper info then went home and spray painted our bumper just like the military does. We advise you heavily not to do that. The reality is there are many many options that are available one of which is using the US Virgin Islands to issue you a plate. It’s very simple you can actually get on line and find any St Thomas forum and there are many legit West Indians who will go do all the leg work and get you plate and title average 50 bucks to him and 30.00 for title and plate 10 for shipping. New Mexico is another easy does state. Register as a “farm vehicle ” easy as can be or a custom either way no problem. Utah also and the Dakotas are pretty simple as well I’ve heard the same about Montana and Wyoming. If you have the money and really want to be left alone use Haiti or even Jaurez Mexico for you guys up north that may be an issue because of the trafficking issues. But Haiti you get the plates then Mark the bumper with non commercial volunteer emergency management services. Other countries that are easy to deal with are France and Zambia. Then your story is simply you do Adventure old world skills adventures. These are just other routes but we have found Texas is pretty easy especially with a farm use tag same in New Mexico. Here is the biggest problem for most people and states you don’t just jump in a V of any model and expect it to drive like a car. They are WIDE this was the argument made against Swartsinager ( how ever you spell it in Cal) most don’t realize he had one of the first military Vs as a civilian and he was in court allot getting California to back off and give him plates. But now if you meet Cali emissions there is really little problem in California if you take a special driving test. You can’t just whip in to most parking spots so get used to walking from the back of the parking lot. Also every post you go on ID or not COL or not you are getting searched. Things not to do don’t mark the whole don’t tread on me thing or 3% stuff nothing about patriots etc. Remember we ( vets military and military minded collectors etc are the %1 terrorist group according to the DHS and DHSI will be looking at your info count on it. If at all possible form a “adventure company ” and register your new toy as a company vehicle used only by employees. I’m currently painting one candy black and fleck gold with go army beat navy on the back with a big USMA GRAD above it with a LTCOL leaf on the middle of it. Trust me don’t text and drive install a blue tooth surround sound because one look off the road and you will be in another lane.
Thank you for the information; this is exactly the thing we thought was out there. Finding the correct state to title the vehicle in first will pretty much make this process easy keep all the government red tape to a minimum.
oh yea various states in the south west have plates specific to adventure vehicles/ multituse vehicles/ multipurpose vehicles etc. Same for sparsely populated northern states. Anyway hope this helps.
Hi Rich,
I’m in Co as well. I have a hmmwv purchased from govplanet and a sf-97 from. I am wondering specifically what forms you had to fill out and how you got the 17 digit Vin assigned?
I took the sf-97 from to my local dmv they told me I would have to go through the parks and recreation department to get an off Road only title. Not interested in an off Road only title. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Is there anyone from Tennessee going through this now? If so, can you share your experiences?
Update for CO. I am currently waiting for a state trooper to inspect my hmmwv still. They are backlogged (imagine that). So far the forms Ihave completed are co.dept. of revenue form DR 2408, and DR 2426. DR 2408 is the actual application for an assigned vin. And DR 2426 is a declaration of facts basically information needed for the state to trace and verify chain of ownership. I did not bother with an sf97 because it states for off road use only. Iam only using the item release form from govplanet.The CO dept of revenue also wants detailed picturesof the vehicle. Once they review it and deem it legally bought and road worthy, they will return the packet to the trooper with a colorado assigned vin number plate. The trooper will then contact me to physically affix the assigned vin plate/sticker. After that its all down hill, apply for title, receive title, register and plate (hopefully). If your local dmv told you to go thru parks and rec. they are just trying to pass you off based on the offroad only option. The state does not know the sf97 exists. Nor did they get a memo from the dod saying hey get ready for a ton of military surplus vehicles coming your way because were letting them go. As of now its up to us the new owners to keep them legal per state requirements. And this is just my own opinion but I want all of us to remember that we have owned these since day one. We pay for these from the day they were built. US property is our property! Many men and women have given their lives for that. The dmvs and any other government agency work for us. And lastly for anyone reading our forum who wants to purchasebut hasn’t yet. Be aware that this issue seems to be very time consuming. Keep the info coming!
That is why we stopped making inquiries here in VA; the more we ask, the more familiar the DMV will become with any memo circulating in the office.
Hey Rich. I am also in CO and i’m wondering how it turned out for you?
I have a definitive answer from Virginia, I will put that at the bottom and I will say to all humvee owners in Virginia you can put it on the road 100% certain but it’s not easy.
First let me say this, the big problem here is the misinterpretation of what it says (speaking from the Florida title I got from GOV planet) it says OHV- Not suitable for highway use, in the odometer block. Does this say off road vehicle? No. So this inherently becomes the grey area, with this statement on ones title of any vehicle it leaves up to interpretation. Not suitable for highway use suggests that it can be altered to be made streetable. The problem is that the person in Virginia DMV office that decided these were for off road use only interpreted this incorrectly. See, it being a grey area, the fact that you could modify the vehicle for street use goes without saying, and I have answers for that I will describe shortly. Everything is done through legislation, sense none exists specifically pertaining to this it created the grey area.
What is misunderstood is the federal government, everyone who is or has been involved in government knows this. They are called blanket statements, and what that means is simple. The government never ment for you never to be able to put one of these on the road or they would have specifically said that, they are very thorough. What they did was a disclaimer, basically, Not all humvees are equipped with the proper equipment for road use, take a humvee ambulance and a regular 2 or 4 person humvee for instance, no regular humvee comes equipped with reverse lights, but specialty ones like an ambulance do. That and certain states have more restrictions than others like emissions. Rather than wasting taxpayer money on going through all of them, or figuring out what states say what, the government instead puts the disclaimer that these are sold for off road use only. Never said they must stay that way, just that at the time of sale they were selling them that way, this elevates the government from liability if someone bought one in a state that said they had to do a whole bunch of stuff, and the person suing the government or the third party govplanet because the vehicle could not be put on the road immediately. So now we understand, and people like the guys over at steel solders, who are so afraid that this will stop the sale of them are incorrect because they don’t understand its meaning. Similar to our local DMV’s they also do not understand that no one person can add to a contract or a law, so as I stated it says they are being sold for off road use, nothing anywhere in law or contract says you couldn’t change the operation of the vehicle. Now that everyone understands whats going on here lets move on.
What we need to do as ex-military humvee owners in every state (I speak from Virginia) is come together, start go fund me accounts if necessary, and a group of us hire a lawyer, to take the state DOT to court, they would then by law have to prove why the vehicle is un road worthy by model year of manufacture for the safety standards at that time, what would then happen is a judgement would be made singling out the issues that they would have to bring fourth, thus giving us a manual if you will, of exactly what to change to put the vehicle in spec, then they would have to issue a title for road use. If enough of us show interest changes will be made to policy streamlining our efforts, that’s how the system works. So we need to come together on this, I am willing. Now for the explanation you have been waiting for.
I contacted the Governors office about this, and specifically pointed at the Virginia secretary of transportation. After some time I got a nice letter in the mail from the secretary, to sum it up for you, every humvee in the state of Virginia is able to be put on the road legally, but you will not like how. The steps that were outlined for me were to go to the NHITSA site, put the vehicle in compliance with current 2015 FMVSS standards, there are exemptions for things like bumpers, passive restraints emissions, etc, which must be filed separately, once that is complete, lots of money and time later, you must contact the NHITSA FMVSS office to have it inspected, they look through your exemptions declared, and inspect the rest of the safety equipment for function, once complete an FMVSS compliant decal will be affixed to the vehicle and paperwork signed by them. Take this and all the prior paperwork to any DMV in Virginia, and they must issue or reissue you a clear title for street use, however the year model will be the current year, and the information on the vehicle is what you make it, Vin number will then be issued by Richmond office and one of their inspectors will come install it. So doing it this way its 100% doable and legal, plus in the end you could have a 2015 H-1 Hummer if you so choose.
There is one more way in Virginia to title it legally for road use that the secretary did not mention but I have found through research, buy a newer model year diesel truck, VDOT truck for instance, remove the drive-train from the VDOT truck, then swap with the humvee, replace all lights with DOT approved lighting from the civilian hummer h-1, make sure all doors, seat belts, and window glass is stamped with DOT or SAE on your humvee, document all this take many pictures, sell the humvee drive train on ebay. Take all docs and pics, the info florida title or sf-97 or the bill of sale, in addition to the title of the road legal parts truck you used, and file for what is called a vin reassignment under reconstructed vehicle. After this is processed at the Richmond,VA. branding office, you will be contacted by one of their investigators who will inspect the vehicle to ensure the things you stated are there, in fact are, they will then affix a new vin number to the humvee, effectively rendering the parts vehicle and old humvee serial number useless. The new humvee title would then state reconstructed, am-general hmmwv. or hummer4 whichever you tell them under type. Dispose of parts truck at a local salvage yard and your done.
Until we band together to make changes to legislation this is the only way to legally make a humvee street legal in Virginia, outside of having it done somewhere else and transferring it, finding someone asleep on the job, or buying one of those early marine corps auctioned units. I hope this was helpful or at least gives people an idea of what is involved.
What the Commonwealth of Virginia is requiring is essentially the paperwork version of saying “not in my state.” Most people are not going to go that route. We agree that the DMV employee is the deciding factor, it might behoove us all to find a small, rural office and get to know the clerk or at least treat them nicely for the best chance at a fair shake on a clean title.
Well it is far from over, I just got finished writing my letter back to the governor and secretary of transportation, I’ll send them out in the morning, but the short and sweet of that is I provided all manufacturer info from Am General regarding the Humvee and H1 Hummer, explaining how they were built on the same assembly line the same way, same parts etc. That the only reason for this nonsense is the government doesn’t want to accept liability. I have given them a detailed description of documents they could make into policy to help us streamline our efforts, I also offered to come in person to the dept headquarters with a 1993 civilian H1 and my M998 1987 so they could compare safety features. Lastly advising them that if none of the options I gave them were taken into consideration than my next step would be to have my case heard before a judge. I have nothing but proof, they have only interpretation and that’s not good enough for them to make regulations, laws or policy’s with. I study law, so I know how to articulate myself, they will have to prove exactly what is unsafe or not road worthy about it sense they have no grounds to state it was manufactured for off road use only. I’ll keep everyone updated as it goes along. I have nothing but time to fight this so bring it on… Like I said if anyone would like to get in on this contact me, numbers is power… I may even start a petition to send into the Governor requesting the change, he has the power to do it on the state level, but he would want to see that there is enough interest.
Am currently waiting for my title from Govplanet. However, while surfing Instagram today, I came across this image (http://faajihouse.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=14437) and it seems like Humvee can register in Virginia, we just need to find out how this gentleman did it.
Don’t hold me to it but I believe that guy is in the Springfield area. I saw one very similar to that on the road, older gentlemen with his grandson out riding around near FFX Pkwy, Fullerton Rd area. I seriously debated calling out of work to follow him and ask how he did it. ::Sigh:: Have regretted the decision not to do that every day since -_-;
Hey Brandon, thanks for stepping up and taking this on, I apologize to everyone I haven’t been active on here lately, I haven’t had much time recently. Do you have a email you wouldn’t mind allowing us to contact you at? If not please contact me so I can discuss some items with you. Thanks, japojr1@hotmail.com
any luck on FL? please help!
No information on FL as of yet; we have only seen the FL title for the humvees that Iron Planet gets the off road use paperwork for at this time.
Plans on buying military hummer but the “not street legal” BS has me on hold! Good job everyone on fighting for our rights. I will also join the battle!
Even though the starting bids have dropped to 5K for what looks like better Humvee’s they were previously auctioning off……I’m going to buy one from Planbsupply. A lot of the decent auction ones end up selling for 13k to 18 and still need tons of work to make it as nice as I would want….including a new soft top and soft doors….an engine and trans that someone has gone over …..new paint….etc…etc…etc. For the price they’re selling them for, I think I would end up putting WAY more than that into it to fix it up and make it road legal. Just my 2 cents.
The whole issue at hand with the Street Legal question, seems to be more of a focus on the bureaucratic tape and hurdles in place; there have been some successes with road tagged HMMWV’s already. Not to mention that there are many police departments, national guard units, and rescue/fire departments using these same Humvees on the road. The point is that this vehicle is being treated with a double standard in many localities. As for the cost for street legal conversions, yes, it can be very expensive if you follow all the recommendations/requirements in some jurisdictions.
Hey guys, a buddy sent me this link this morning. Don’t know how I could verify the authenticity of their claims but this could be a viable option for people on the fence.
Has anyone delt with the guys at Planbsupply.com? These guys are claiming to have titled street legal ones. Nice ones. Like holy cow nice ones. If only I had $28k…are they making modifications or safety inspection alterations so they are legal? Their stuff looks brand new or they maybe restore their trucks or something. I like the $5000-10,000 price tag at the auctions, but I’m only seeing junk at that price. The nicer looking Humvees at the auctions are still going for $18k and sometimes over 20k and they say some of the engine can’t be started. What gives? And still off road only? Are there fees and other charges as well? Seems ridiculous to pay that kind of money for a big offroad only Atv. Even if it’s a hummer.
I have always dream of a chance to own 1 such a combat vehicle as this and now that ur govt has made it a reality, do i dare ask if foreigners are allowed to benefit from this buy, by the way i’m from Nigeria.
We suspect that the DoD prevents any export to most foreign destinations. Most companies that are allowed to export any matériel from the US, typically have licenses and have to follow a very strict list of approved destinations.
Has anyone posted about Arizona DMV, title/registration? I just received my GovPlanet purchase this last weekend and it runs great. I’ll be looking into what it takes to get it on the road legally and any advice is greatly appreciated.
No news from Arizona as of yet; let us know what you encounter. So far, most people seem to state that using the bill of sale by itself in a “less congested, rural” office is your best bet.
I’m looking into purchasing one and have spoken with my local DMV office. My specific question to them was how to make a vehicle titled for off-road use only and they had a small (roughly 18 point) list of what is required to convert. I forgot the list at home, but the main things were a rear view mirror, ‘appropriate tires,’ working brake lights/tail lights, muffler, and a couple other things which I don’t recall however all the humvees I’ve seen come with them already installed.
I’m planning on bidding tomorrow on one.
It will vary by state. Some states will make issues over equipment that did not ever come installed on the vehicle, others will be fine with it being “grandfathered in” as the equipment was never standard on the chassis. Keep in mind that some inspectors are more lenient than others.
Also found this… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M5E1bQjeSc
Good News and Bad News for HMMWV Owners in Virginia: Due to the “Off Road Use Only” designation on the Florida State title, I was unable acquire a regular tag for my HMMWV however, I was offered an antique tags because my HMMWV was more than 25 model years old (lucky me). No new VIN assignment or inspection was required The funniest part is that, I now have a clean title because the new Virginia State title doesn’t have the “Off Road Use Only” designation on it. I suggest visiting the DMV in Fredericksburg, Virginia if your DMV is giving you any issue. For potential new owners, consider acquiring 1990 HMMWV and older from Govplanet. Good luck Gents. Picture of my Humvee: http://faajihouse.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=14437&p=23920#p23920
We figured the old ones might fall into that category; restoring older muscle cars works the same way.
Hello Dexter, I recently received a 1987 HMMWV I purchased via govplanet.com. I am active duty military and I live in Chesapeake, VA. If you could contact me at roadfuss@gmail.com I would really appreciate it. I would like to talk to you a little bit more in depth about your experiences with getting your vehicle street legal.
Great to hear some success stories, no reason these shouldnt be allowed on the road. I havent seen anything referencing PA, has anyone had any luck in Pennsylvania? Have my eye on a few going up for auction at Fort Dix in NJ, but really doesnt make any sense for me if I can at least drive it on the road to get to the off road park. Was thinking if titling as Classic/Antique like I do with my other cars, but who knows. If anyone has any info I’d greatly appreciate it.
I own one and I’m located in PA and have been wondering same thing. I havnt tried anything yet but was waiting to see if anyone was successful in PA yet
Good to hear there is another owner in PA. I’ll let you know if I hear anything. Where in PA are you? Id love to see the truck if you’re close.
shawn i had the enhanced inspection done on mine and passed but the ohv on the florida title threw up a flag and got shot down I’m not sure what to do at this point
We have heard this about FL Title as well; seems going the Bill of Sale / SF-97 route is probably the better bet base on the email and comments we have received. Apparently, the states share some common titling database or have access to one another database.
Good to hear that it got through the enhanced inspection at least. I’m definitely not going to go the FL title route with mine as that’s pretty much set in stone in the system. Who shot it down, Harrisburg? Have been hearing from other people in PA, Ill see if anyone has had success with the Florida title and let you know.
I know its possible to change an Off Road title to street use in PA, dirt bike guys do it all the time. They usually go through the enhanced inspection process just like you did. I wonder if you titled it as off road in PA and then went to have it converted if it would work. Once I finally place a bid Ill request the Bill of Sale and SF-97, dont think Ill get the FL title.
Hey guy’s.. did you have any luck titling PA I would love to buy one.
shawn what part of Pa are you from im from hazelton area
Im just outside of Philadelphia in Bensalem, PA.
I found this gem on CL today. I asked him if he purchased it with a title or did it himself.
The guy selling his 1994 HMMWV in Concord NC paid $7,500 for his on GOVPLANET back in June and now wants $28K for it. Getting them tagged in NC is no big deal at all.
Took me about 15 minutes to get a tag and NC title for mine.
See his in this link below when he bought it.
Good find, definitely the same truck. I have seen a few up here in the northeast advertised for sale well above what they paid through govplanet. Im really itching to put a few bids in, but I havent seen anyone register one in PA yet. Spoke to a few tag places and they all say no, Off Highway Title only. How is it so easy in NC?
The NC DMV Theft and Licensing inspector did a short inspection and made sure
the serial number had not been reported as stolen.
After that I had to pay the taxes, tag and title fee and I was on the road. My HMMWV was in really great shape. Ive had to replace the alternator, batteries, headlights and a fan control module. One door handle was missing and one tire was pretty bald.
But after fixing all of the above and giving it a real good cleaning, it is perfect and I could not be happier. I hope you have good luck. I drove one of these for 22 years in the Marine Corps. I just wanted one after I retired. My wife hates it and won’t ride in it. But my kids and dogs love it.
Oh, Here is a link to a walk around I did right after receiving it. It came with doors but I had removed them while I was cleaning it.
Thank you for sharing! We appreciate the leg work and your Military service! Hopefully, your wife will come around and want to ride in your HMMWV as well.
Thanks for all the details. I pulled the trigger on one and now the fun begins with the EUC process. I am already running into issues because I was born in Canada and became a citizen under my parents due to being under 18 and I only have my passport as true documentation. I’m 26 now. We’ll see what happens.
Thanks for your service and your help!
What route did you go to get it titled in NC? Using the SF-97 or a bonded title using the bill of sale?
I have tried my local License and theft people and they said they could not help me at all using the SF-97 because of the off road only stamp. Please email me cjwalte2@gmail.com
I’m 9mo TAD at Walter Reed but just got orders to Camp Lejeune. My M998 is in my garage back at PCOLA Naval Air Station. I want to take it with me. Can I send you a PM for questions? Thanks Keith…
Thanks for the info. When purchasing what option did you choose when checking out, Bill of Sale, a Florida State title, or a Form SF97 to register it in NC.
I live in Charlotte which office did you use?
Florida Title.
Good to hear it was easy for you. They didnt care at all that the FA title said “Off Highway Use Only”? Im really not having any luck here in PA, no none wants anything to do with it (or they just dont know how to do it). I know there is a way, just need to find it. Would be great if someone from PA has gotten one registered and would post up here.
Hopefully, someone will find a way; it is just a matter of time.
Hey guys, I’m going to chime in because I have been thinking about this since my HV is up for sale and I have had both good and bad experiences listing at a high price.
First (and this is just a generic statement), just because I buy at auction a 2013 Honda Accord that’s in excellent condition with only 15,000 miles for $6,000, doesn’t mean it is not worth $19,000 on the market. The same logic applies to these Humvees .
Realistically these Humvees are worth a considerable amount, regardless of what you paid for it or the “ease” at which the public can get them (I use ‘ease’ very loosely here because of all the horror stories with GovPlanet and EUCs taking months to almost a year to clear). Not-to-mention the limited number of them and how difficult to title they are. Even with GovPlanet contracted to sell about 4,000+ of them (initially, I believe), that’s really not that much…at all…and even if they end up selling 150,000…that’s still not a lot. That’s 150,000 spanning a possible 32 model years!
This has been my crude value guide for the rigs I’ve sold and am currently selling (found this online):
Military Vehicles Magazine uses a given value based on a 1-to-6 condition grading scale for Hmmwv M998s as follows:
1=Excellent: Restored to maximum professional standards, or a near-perfect original.
2=Fine: Well-restored, or a combination of superior restoration and excellent original parts.
3=Very Good: Complete and operable original or older restoration, or a very good amateur restoration with all presentable and serviceable parts inside and out.
4=Good: Functional or needing only minor work to be functional. Also, a deteriorated restoration or poor amateur restoration.
5=Restorable: Needs complete restoration of body, chassis, and interior. May or may not be running, but is not wrecked, weathered or stripped to the point of being useful only for parts.
6=Parts Vehicle: Deteriorated beyond the point of restoration
Condition code — Value (dollars)
6. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. 6,500
5. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. 9,500
4. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ..22,000
3. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ..38,000
2. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ..45,000
1. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ..55,000
It’s basic but not detailed. It doesn’t take into consideration if it’s a 2- or 4-dr, hardtop, street legal, titled, etc. vehicle. But it does give you a better understanding of just how much these things are actually worth. Just because Bobby Bill sells his rig for $28k that’s in near perfect condition, and Mikey Bob over here sells his for $19k in near perfect condition, doesn’t mean their rigs aren’t worth in upwards of $40 to $50k.
Keep in mind too, these are, as I will say, “usable collectibles.” Despite you using them daily or often, they will increase in value as long as they are taken care of. BUT they have to be taken care of. I don’t like seeing for sale a rig that came straight from auction (still on the tow truck!) that’s missing everything but the wheels basically, and the asking price is $25k because it’s a “Humvee”. eBay is notorious for these types of sales and they make me sick…but that’s because I love these rigs and always put some time into cleaning, maintaining, and just taking over-all talking care of them.
Side note: It would be helpful is this had it’s own blog too (wink wink moderator) as I’m sure other owners/buyers would benefit from knowing this or discussing what they think.
Thanks all!
I’m all for buying low and selling high. Going through the process of getting one of these HMMWV is not easy and not everyone wants to go through the hassle of doing it. So if anyone can buy these low and make some good money then more power to them. I would be doing it myself if I had the time.
(And my wife had not gotten so mad at me buying just one.) She hates them.
My 1989 M998 is perfect now after fixing a few small things. I have about $16K in mine now but it should be worth $28K in my mind.
I’ve wanted one of these trucks since I first saw one thirty years ago. Just got mine licensed and tagged in AZ, it was a cinch. In Arizona there are third party “authorized” MVD/ADOT outfits. I was referred to a guy who is a certified “level 1” inspector. He did the verification of matching my paperwork (Bill of sale, SF95, Etc.), then helped me title and license it the next day. We do emissions control here in the valley (greater Phoenix area), so he issued a three day tag so I could get that done and the next day I was street legal. Yea. If anyone wants to buy mine for $28,000.00 I’ll sell it today LOL. If you’re in the phoenix area contact me, tim@wolfgangscooling.com and I’ll put you in touch with the right guy. I also found a former military mechanic who will work on it if you are uncomfortable with any maintenance or repairs on your own.
I actually hear it was pretty difficult in AZ, cool that there is a third party to help. Do they have third party agents like that in every state?
I don’t know if other states have third party “authorized” or not. I was very concerned about the “off road only” designation on the SF97 as well, but the inspector did’nt care at all. I think I got lucky with the individual. I assumed it would be a tough go if I went to a state MVD office.
Hi Tim,
Phoenix resident here ,please send me more info on HMMWV to get registred.
Thank you
Hi Peter, I have a hard time finding the correct comment in this very long post. Email me at tim@wolfgangscooling.com and I’ll give you all the info I have. I’ll try and find a way to post it here for everyone as well. Nice to know others here in the valley of the sun are HMMWV guys as well.
Hello fellow Arizona HMMWV enthusiast. I got help with title and STREET LEGAL registration from Mike at “Prompt Titles & Registrations” 2940 E Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ 85016 (602)-957-0450. Mike is a level 1 inspector and MVD authorized third party service provider. He was very helpful, inexpensive and easy to work with. Good luck to everyone.
With the guys getting titles kn NC. Sis you have to show your sf97 or title? Or did you play it off that you had no paper work, stating it was a military truck that has never been titled ?
oneusmarine said he just used the Florida title. I just paid for my M998 today and I bought the same title so after my EUC goes through I’ll update if my local title office allows it or not. One question I haven’t seen yet is how are people getting these thing insured. I am with progressive and I have not called yet, but in order to register and plate I need insurance on it in NC. Also what is everyone paying for coverage?
I have USAA and it took all of 5 minutes to have my Humvee covered the same as my other vehicles
Admin, how do we not have a Facebook Group yet? Would love to actually see others vehicles and be able to connect with people in my area. Would like to meet some locals and get help with mine once I get it. I’m not active military or a vet so these vehicles are new to me, and so is diesel.
We do have a Facebook page for our site and you all are welcome to comment on the postings there; there is a posting for each article that has been published so far. As for a specific forum, that might be something that could be set up in the future.
https://www.facebook.com/HummerSurplusParts is the web address to our Facebook page.
Thanks for the link. Your Facebook page only looks to be used for selling parts. You should post some articles or updates from this website on there. Would be a lot easier to respond on there then using this open forum kind of board. Just a thought!
All of our articles should also appear on our Facebook page; they are in chronological order with the items listed for sale.
Feel free to comment on them. Typically, we will feature a popular topic which will be pinned to the top of the Facebook page.
shawn nobody seems to have a problem with the processing of the paper work or doing the inspection the guy that did the inspection was the first person that got the no . the lady that does the title work in our area called Harrisburg many times and they didn’t return any of her calls this isn’t a small title agency . I don’t know if the people in Harrisburg are even sure what to do or how to handle it and I’m not knocking them but give me a reason not just a NO . iron planet still didn’t get back to me about if I can get a sf-97 because I do have a Fa title also some nice hmmwv are going up for auction in NJ this week that run starting at 5k mine didn’t run when I got it but didn’t take much at all to get it running everything works good and runs great for what it is
Hopefully they can get you an SF-97 and you can get it titled/registered. Please keep me update, very interested to see how it goes. The trucks in NJ this week are very nice, hoping to win one of them but feel like they might go a bit higher than I want to pay. Hopefully they have some more trucks in the pipeline after the New Year. I don’t mind getting something that needs a bit of work, ifn fact I would prefer it rather than having to pay almost $10k like these will most likely go for.
Any luck in FL pleas help
Here is where NC is at. You cannot go to another county for the license and theft officer. You must use the one for the county in which you reside. You also cannot use just a bill of sale, they say that coming from Iron Planet/Gov Planet that it must have an SF97. when they see the SF97 is stamped off road use only at the top, then they will not go any further.
They also will not consider it a custom built if you change the number of doors from 2 to 4 or visa versa. To be a custom built vehicle it must not resemble any other commercially made vehicle, which I think is complete BS.
So my only other option at this point is to go out of state and get it titled and brought back in. which means paying property taxes 3 times, once at purchase, once out of state, and once coming back into NC.
They will not do a bonded title. They possibly would let you for a bill of sale from one individual to another, but again they would want to know where that person got it from and why there was no title or SF97 given. They also have to do an inspection report and issue a 17 digit VIN, since hmmwv’s only have serial numbers and are only 6 digits long. Anything newer than 1981 must have a VIN.
SO you must deal with your license and theft officer to do any of this. Unless it already has a title and is coming from out of state. then it just bypasses that department all together.
They told me that the florida title route would not work because even if you convence a small rural office to do it, then it goes through 5 different verifications at the state level and they will kick it out at that point.
So NC sucks.
FYI, some people on here from NC have already titled it for road use. I live in Charlotte and have spoke to a title office and said as long as I have the Florida title and insurance card they will do it. Still waiting for EUC to clear.
Florida Title & Insurance Card is all I needed.
I have road legal NC Tag, NC Title. It was easy.
Don’t take your first No and head to the house.
A lot of State Employees find it easier to say no then to actually help you.
The license and theft officer was very helpful. Inspected the vehicle. All safety equipment, lights, horn etc was perfectly operational. Signed off on it. I took that paperwork to the license office and paid the taxes, tag & title fee.
I was kind of expecting a little bit of hassle or more red tape but they were very helpful and nice about it.
The posting and video from oneusmarine above on December 9th is me.
Corey, Have you received your HMMWV yet? Your post did not say.
Dan M, Good luck with yours when you get the EUC clear. It took me another few weeks to have it shipped. Then a few weeks after that to get the Florida Title. Send a picture when you get yours.
Hey Tom- how did you handle the inspection? I’m in Iredell county and mine is ready to pass inspection. I have the Florida title and FB insured it with no problem but I’m afraid I’ve called Statesville dmv one too many times…
Did you take the vehicle to dmv office? Any suggestions would be much appreciated
I took mine to the NC Licence & Theft guys at the Hudson NCSHP office.
They inspected it and ran the serial number through their system. They gave me the paperwork to take to the tag office.
Good luck, let me know how it goes.
Hey Tom: I was wondering why you chose the Florida Title route hear in NC. Have you heard the Sf-97 is a no go. Thanks for the input and your service.
No real good reason I went with the FL title in lue of the SF-97 except that I figured a civilian at a tag or licensing department might identify better with the word “Title” instead of an SF.
Just a gamble I took and it worked for me.
Good Luck
Semper Fi
Did you speak to a license plate office or to a license and theft office? It seems that you are relying on what other people have supposedly done and not your own experiences. These are my first hand attempts to get my hmmwv on the road in NC.
The officers that I have spoken with in 2 different counties with license and theft have all told me NO. and they say it is because if they wanted these for road use then they would have come with a normal SF97. They also have told me that if you can get it done at the plate office using the Florida title that it will be caught when they submit it to Raleigh and that you will be in trouble.
They will not inspect them or anything because they say it places the responsibility on the officer that inspects it if something happens down the road.
I want to do this and get it registered and pay the taxes and drive it on the road, but right now that seems doubtful.
My other option is to use my “tractor” since that’s what they want to equate it to and not drive over 35 MPH and not go more than 10 miles from home. Look it up in the general statute. It does require you to own more than 10 acres of land though.
Hey Dan I’m in mooresville area. Any luck? Mine is ready to go with the exception of replacing with a keyed ignition. Not sure if that matters
My email is snashed246@gmail.com if you have any suggestions.
I’m in Charlotte and you have to stay within your county lines. I am STILL waiting for my EUC to clear before I can even pick it up and wait for the FL title to come in. For those in my area add me on FB, would be nice to keep in touch and meet up once we all get our Humvees on the road. Daniel MacIsaac, my picture is me of me at OSU stadium.
I did not install a keyed ignition yet. I just use the cable lock when I am out and about in it. They keyed ignition looks like it is around $99.00.
I may spring for that later. Replacing a slick tire needs to be my next purchase for it.
Sean, Dan, Corey…. Send me a picture when you get yours.
They are having a Hummer Club event at an OHV park in Oak Ridge TN this spring. I was thinking about joining that club and going. IDK though……
Semper Fi
I vouch for that. I just took mine to 2 different locations and they both said the same thing. One looked & said no right off the bat. Another took my paperwork and appeared easy to work with. He looked around on his computer for a few minutes and said that NC will not reclassify it from OHV and that there was nothing he could do. (or would do). Apparently Raleigh has told them if they sign off on it, then their job is at stake if anything safety related comes up with the vehicle later. The reason why we go through this is Politics. Am General H1C kits are dead in the water. Nobody is buying them as long as they are auctioning off vehicles. I have heard that AM General is behind the scenes, it is bad business for them. Im going to sell mine. I hate it, but it was a longshot and I really dont want the headache. 6×6 road legal, Hmmwvs not haha. Ohh well. Maybe Ill buy one from a state that has a title.
Corey, it kind of sounds like you are relying on what other people are saying as well. I have not heard of one single person getting denied after they get a plate and pay the taxes, that just seems silly to me. Do you have experience with filing your title, getting a plate, then get denied down the road when Raleigh processes the title?
Sorry to hear you can’t get it done. No reason to bring all the negativety to the boards and try and put down the people who are trying to help.
As for my experience, the truck is paid for and I’m waiting for EUC to clear. I have insurance waiting to be processed and I’m picking up the truck myself when it’s ready. My local title office in Huntersville that just opened up said I was fine to bring all my paperwork in.
I’m sorry for the negativity. I wasn’t trying to come off that way. I am just extremely frustrated with the license and theft officers here in my county.
So what your saying is that you are going to go to the license plate office alone, not the license and theft(LT) office in your area?
I would love to have a contact name to someone so that when my office tells me that its not possible I can point to someone else and say that this office is doing it, and its all OK.
The officer with LT I spoke with yesterday made copies of everything I have, SF97, Bill of sale, Item release, paid in full invoice, reassignment letter of SF97 to me. and then he supposedly called around to find out if it could be done. He just called me back and said no. I have contacted gov planet and will be sending them my SF97 for them to get me a Florida title, once I have that and insurance, I will go to my license plate office and try there.
No offense taken, just trying to keep people positive. My contact at the title office told me it didn’t have to go through a license and theft officer, and I’m hoping that is correct as they sound like they’re hard to work with. I will call and ask more in depth questions. She was nice on the phone but I hope she wasn’t just saying that to get me to hang up. Maybe some of the other NC members can chime in and tell us which title place they went to and if they needed an inspection or not.
Where do you live Corey? I’m curious where you’re having these issues.
It is as if you’re not even reading my post. Your comments and questions are already answered in my post from yesterday. Read my post from yesterday and it explains exactly how I got my NC title and plate.
I can’t make it any clearer than that. Make sure you read what I am taking the time to write for you .
At this point I don’t want to give you the name of the officer that inspected my HMMWV because I don’t want you to mess it up for anyone else in North Carolina that wants to get their tag and title the proper way .
Good luck and I hope it works out for you.
Tom, I am reading what your typing. but your not being very clear. You say that you went to license tag office with your FL title and insurance card. But then you mention the inspector checking your vehicle for serial numbers and safety.
These are 2 different offices. The license plate office will handle transfers, they have on other vehicles I’ve taken them from out of state, including antiques. For anything not considered an antique with a plain normal title that is all that is needed. For an antique auto, and I’m guessing these OHV marked titles, it requires and inspector with license and theft to come out and verify the information. Is this what happened with you?
I am in Robeson county and I have went to the license and theft inspectors first, who have told me no, I then talked to a few state troopers that are friends that told me to go to another county and try that inspector. I did and was told no. I am now in the process of getting a FL title, and just want to make sure that when it comes in that I know where to go and what to do.
I do know that IF the FL title did not assign the truck a 17 digit VIN then it would require the license and theft inspector to come out and issue one. This is where I have had issues thus far, and can anticipate issues even with the FL title. The inspectors in my area are of no help and will not do anything with the off road use paperwork, they wont even look at it to see if it would pass the safety inspection. I have loaded it on a trailer and taken it to them.
I’m not trying to screw anything up for anyone, I just want to make sure that when I get my FL title that I have I’s dotted and my t’s crossed, because the inspectors down here are being difficult.
Corey is correct or at least in Charlotte. The inspectors are at different locations than the DMV Titling offices. So stating you went in with a title and insurance and was out in 15 minutes but then indicating an inspector from Licensing and Theft looked at it while you were there doesn’t add up. At least not around here.
Around here they don’t care about the law it seems sometimes. It’s more if they don’t know something, it’s easy to say no. The not taking the first no can get officer on duty called on you. I completely understand Corey’s wanting to get everything right, especially now they’ve already told him know. It’s most likely not about the law anymore in his situation
Anyone heard anything about Alabama? I’ve talked to a friend who manages one of the county licensing departments and she said no way to title with the ORV stamp on the SF97. I was hoping someone has found a workaround. Please advise.
I’m where you are. I would have thought it would be pretty easy to do in Alabama. We’re usually one of the easier states to get through “regulations”.
Im TAD at Walter Reed but just got orders to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. My truck is back home at NAS Pensacola. I have the PlanetGov assigned SF-97 with transfer letter but Florida refused to accept it so I just like working on it and using it at the hunting lease. Should I just get the OHV Florida title and try Toms plan.? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Please feel free to sent PMs… Clocktower6@gmail.com.
I just got orders to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. My truck is back home at NAS Pensacola. I have the PlanetGov assigned SF-97 with transfer letter but Florida refused to accept it so I just like working on it and using it at the hunting lease. Should I just get the OHV Florida title and try Toms plan.? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Please feel free to sent PMs… Clocktower6@gmail.com.
Any updates on how to re-title or change the “OHU only” designation in FL on the gov.planet Humvee title?
what is best way to get titled and registered in texas.??..I bought one….waiting on the process….I…live in texas..Humvee.. in Georgia……I guess do sf97s? or florida title?….thanks…if anyone..got advice…
Anyone have any luck getting plates/title in the Northwest (Idaho, Washington, Oregon)?? I’m in Idaho and looking for suggestions. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Im curious if one of these Humvees are purchased second hand with just a notarized bill of sale could they be titled.
Anyone have luck in New York State getting it on the road,
How about 25yrs old or historic/ special interest vehicle ?
Any luck In New York State getting one on the road,
Will it be,east if it’s 25yrs old / historic vehicle or special interest
Please help
Anyone have any luck with NJ yet??
To ALL (specially FLORIDIANS)
Go to ” HMMWV titled as a farm use…..” You will see my blog there and explained how I titled my Humvee here in FL.
John I tried to find your blog on florida farm use. If you could e-mail me I would like to know how you did titling– thanks for your time.
The link to the Farm Use blog article is: https://www.hummersurplusparts.com/street-legal-hmmwv-humvee-via-farm-use/
I recently corresponded by email with a Title service called Moto Recycle, who obtain Vermont registrations and tags for the public. They claimed to have recently successfully titled a 25+ year old HMMWV through their service and obtained registration and tags for the applicant.
Their service isn’t very expensive, or doesn’t appear to be, and I intend to use it once my M998 shows up (won via online auction yesterday!!!!).
Offering this up to others. Moto Recycle’s email address is : motorecyclenow at gmail if anyone wants to write.
They made it sound straightforward, and I know of no reasons why the Vermont registration can’t be converted to a VA Title and tags, either as antique or standard when desired.
Plates, transferrable registration and tags in hand. Took about 3.5 weeks start to finish and didn’t cost as much as I expected.
Alex, can you let us know which office you used (City and State)?
http://www.ebay.com/itm/AM-General-Military-Truck-HMMWV-1987-M998-Humvee-/182025714648?&_trksid=p2056016.m2518.l4276 he saleing a humvee and claiming that is street legal california tag
Has anybody successfully titled and tagged a surplus HMMWV for on-road use in Kentucky?
A couple weeks ago, I saw a seller in KY claim on ebay they got a street-legal title (after an inspection) for one they were selling, but the seller never responded to my emails asking them how they got Kentucky to title it for highway use.
Has anyone else successfully titled/tagged a HMMWV in Kentucky??
If so, how did YOU get your HMMWV titled in KY??
has anyone had any luck in wisconsin?
i would settle for a historic military vehicle title, but the ideal title would be a no restriction or just highway restriction title.
I just won a M998 at auction and would like to know if my new project will be stuck off the streets…
say someone in wisconsin wants to register one of these as a historic military vehicle or a unrestricted title… is this possible
if so, how do i do it?
ryan look at this. im for Illinois and thought about having a friend title one in Wisconsin. looks like it can be done because it says “The following former military vehicles also qualify for Collector plates, even if they have been altered or modified:
GMC DUKW (“Duck”) six-wheel drive utility vehicle originally manufactured for use by the U.S. military forces during World War II that is at least 25 years old
Humvee multipurpose wheeled vehicle originally manufactured for use by the U.S. military forces that is at least 22 years old
Kaiser Jeep M715 that is at least 25 years old
Pinzgauer all-terrain, four- or six-wheel drive vehicle that is at least 25 years old”
Ryan look at this. Im from Illinois and throught about having a friend up there do one for me. http://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/dmv/vehicles/title-plates/collector-plates.aspx because it says “The following former military vehicles also qualify for Collector plates, even if they have been altered or modified:
GMC DUKW (“Duck”) six-wheel drive utility vehicle originally manufactured for use by the U.S. military forces during World War II that is at least 25 years old
Humvee multipurpose wheeled vehicle originally manufactured for use by the U.S. military forces that is at least 22 years old
Kaiser Jeep M715 that is at least 25 years old
Pinzgauer all-terrain, four- or six-wheel drive vehicle that is at least 25 years old” I would like to know if it works for you
For NC If you guys know something, that I dont, please let me know. gtsurles@gmail.com. I just took mine to 2 different locations and they both said the same thing. One looked & said no right off the bat. Another took my paperwork (Florida title) and appeared easy to work with. He looked around on his computer for a few minutes and said that NC will not reclassify it from OHV and that there was nothing he could do. (or would do). Apparently Raleigh has told them if they sign off on it, then their job is at stake if anything safety related comes up with the vehicle later. The reason why we go through this is Politics. Am General H1C kits are dead in the water. Nobody is buying them as long as they are auctioning off vehicles. I have heard that AM General is behind the scenes, it is bad business for them. Im going to sell mine. I hate it, but it was a longshot and I really dont want the headache. 6×6 road legal, Hmmwvs not haha. Ohh well. Maybe Ill buy one from a state that has a title. It stinks though. My truck is like new. I just put a rear lit led license bracket on it, airlift bumper, inside rear view mirror, and everything else that many people that get titles do not add. I went the extra mile. geez.
There are members that have gotten it titled in NC. You have to find the officer in charge of signing off on it first before going to the DMV. Come over to our Facebook page and ask.
If anyone is interested I have a street legal titled 1987 4 door tan soft top hmmwv runs drives fully serviced and various new parts and batteries I will sell it for $15000 obo. best of all no EUC wait no auction bs and you know you are getting a running truck. email mak5250@yahoo.com
Do not buy if you live in the state of Florida. They are not issuing titles and gov planet will not give you an SF-97. This is as of March of 2016. Gov planet did not process my paperwork until I called them 10x. By that time FL. is not giving titles.
Floyd your right. I had purchased a SF-97 and just took it to the DMV and they would not accept it. GovPlanet was transferring the SF-97 to me and Missouri will not transfer them. I called GP and talked to a rep and he said that they would send me a dealer transfer and DMV’s would accept. I called back to see how long this would take and the next rep knew nothing about it and said that Florida was not issuing titles and that was the only state they were a licensed dealer. She told me she hoped it would be resolved in the next couple of months. That’s out. Good luck all!!
Hey guys. Just got one tagged in Maryland. No problem!!! Used SF-97, put historic tags on it. No inspection, and tags are cheaper. Just got my Maryland title in the mail today.
The hard part was insurance. Couldn’t find a company to do it. Finally was able to get Progresive to cover it, but, you have to get the right person that knows how to get it through.
Marc congrats on the tags. I have mine with Hagerty and I don’t have it titled. They do require it to be inside a garage and licensed as a historical vehicle. Good Luck!!
Is your MD title a “normal” title? Did you SF-97 have the off road use only stamp?
Shaun, Yes my MD title is “normal” and yes the SF-97 did have the Off-road Use Only stamp on it.
Mike, I tried hagerty. They said they wouldn’t insure anything newer than 1985, mine is a ’87. i was able to get Progresive to cover it.
Marc sounds good. Mine is a ’90 and they didn’t have any problems with it. It’s my second vehicle with them so I have to call them. Didn’t seem to have an issue. My SF-97 was just like yours and MO will not accept re-assignments so that option is out. Thanks for the info and congrats.
Marc did your SF-97 have your name on it or was Iron Planets?
Mike, The SF-97 had Iron Planet on it, and they sent me a “Re-assignment of SF-97” form along with my name on it.
Marc, Please, which MVA did you use ?????
Marc, I am also in Maryland. I am just east of Frederick. If you could, please call me so I can mimic your awesome success. (240)-372-6105 Thank you very much in advance for any help.
I’m sorry. typo that my old number. (240)-372-4915 is my correct phone number.
Please call me just want more info just got one in MD waiting for sf97 240-372-4915 thanks
Has anyone had any success titling in Michigan? The licensing regulatory commission of the secretary of state is killing me over here. I have the TR-54 form, applied for title and they sent me a love letter stating that it is for off road use only and cannot be titled. In Michigan it has to be 26 years old to get a collectible tag. so frustrating!
I got the same letter. Email the state senators on the transporation board. Other than that buy one 27 years old or wait.
If in SC remove the data plate. Call SCDMV and tell them you have a vehicle w/o a vin. They will send somebody to inspect then follow their instructions.
Hello guys! I’m looking to buy a HMMWV from govplanet and I need to know how to make it road legal in the state of MICHIGAN. Thanks for any help guys!
I’m looking to buy a HMMWV from govplanet and I need to know how to make it road legal in the state of MICHIGAN. Thanks for any help.
I live in Tampa, FL
How did you get a Title in Jacksonville?
Ryan I’m not sure what stage of the process your in but right now you can’t get a Florida title for a GovPlanet HMMWV. Florida is having problems trying to define what a HMMWV is. They were issuing “Off Road Only” titles but figured out the they don’t meet the criteria. To wide and heavy, so they suspended Florida titles for now. GovPlanet is trying to resolve the issue and until then nothing. I hope this helps. Good Luck.
Any update? I just bought one and live in Oregon as well. Any advice?
I live in Oregon and am looking for anyone with advice or experience getting one of these rigs titled in Oregon. Thanks for the help!
Hi Dakota,
I heard you can apply for a title of ownership in Oregon on a “non-titled vehicle”. There is some form that you can request a title as long as you show a bill of sale. I’m not sure what the name of the form is tho. You also might want to contact this guy, he lives in OR and I think he got his titled:https://www.facebook.com/epaexempt/?ref=br_rs
Hope this helps!
Can you email me at highlander.mobile.repair@gmail.com what all I need to do, going to bid on one this next coming aution. And want to legalize it.
i just got mine…4 months…after i bought it…i got sf 97…and am waiting on regional dmv to issue title in texas….corpus btw…also.insurance thru farm bureau..no problem……….i cleaned up my m988..and am going thru..changing..fluids…..etc..it came pretty clean….batteries dead though….24 volt system..
any ideas ..on how to start after i drain diesel…in fuel tank and refuel with new diesel…all fluids..oil, water, tranny..were full..and looked good…i have 2 nwo..tags,on door seal drivers side…..triangular…,,,99′ and 06’…what does that mean……should i use a starting fluid for diesel…in air intake…..just some ideas/..needed..to start this baby up…
Also live in Maryland and purchased a 1994 HUMVEE. Which MVA did u go too?? I’m in Harford County…..they wanted to send me to Glen Burnie…..is that what you had to do?? Thanks in advance!!
Rich, I didn’t go to the MVA, they are a pain in the ass. I went to TNT tags and title in Thurmont, MD. She did everything there and gave me tags right there. Yours is a 94 so you can put historic tags on like I did. No inspection needed. You will have to pay taxes to the MVA. If you already paid the tax to Govplanet, like I did, just call them and they will tell you how to get the taxes refunded. Hope this helps.
Was your SF 97 Marked with for off-road use only??
Based on our understanding, all SF-97’s come marked that way. It hasn’t seemed to make a difference in the states that have titled the HMMWV’s/Humvees.
Yes it was, but, she said it didn’t matter. I got my MD title and it’s a normal title.
Awesome!! Headed there tomorrow!! I’ll let you know how it goes!! Thank You!!
Rich call me asap before you go 240_372_4915 tony
Has anyone thought about calling planBsupply.com and ask how they go about registering these HUMMWVs? It seems that they buy low mileage HUMMWVs and refurbish them. I think they are based out of Utah. I think they are based out of Utah. Has anyone here successfully registered one in California?
Given California’s stance on emissions, that registration might be quite the battle.
As far as Utah, there may be a loophole or DMV counter “used” to dealing with plan B that might not scrutinize the application.
When you buy the truck from GovPlanet, they give you the option to receive a bill of sale or the SF-97. Both are supposed to have the “for off-road use only” stamp on it. Now let’s say that you decide you don’t want the truck anymore and you sell it to your best friend (we’ll call him Uncle Jimmy). Then all Uncle Jimmy needs in order to legally take possession is a Bill of Sale from you, the owner. Since your bill of sale to him doesn’t have the forbidden stamp on it, he now is in possession of an unrestricted bill of sale and subsequent unrestricted vehicle and is free to move forward with titling as normal.
Am I missing something here? Seems pretty easy to me.
Ok guys I just spoke to two different DMV agents and both gave the same response. Moreover, one of the agents double checked with a senior analyst and confirmed all info. Here’s what I got for CA…
Things needed to register HMMWV
– Form REG 343
– SF97 (which is given at auction)
– Any bill of sale or proof of purchase or ownership.
– Any paperwork on vehicle
– Proof of insurance
1. You will need to go down to the DMV for a vehicle inspection
2. The DMV will then do a vehicle inspection and determine whether or not a VIN number can be issued by them. If not they may send you to the CHP to acquire a VIN number.
3. Once the vehicle inspection is done and a VIN number is assigned, then the DMV will decide how to classify the vehicle and assign registration and license plates along with tags.
You can drive the vehicle from the auction with a one day moving permit. This can be obtained at any DMV office. This permit will cover you in any state as long as you’re making one continuous trip.
Daniel, are you still in the process of registration ? or are you now successfully registered? and i was also wondering what document you received from GovPlanet ? because i have a humvee and I would like to do the process of registration if you have more info contact me goncasjr@sbcglobal.net. thanks
testing the waters here but I can register and title any hmmwv in the state of ga I have done several I flip them. now is there any interest of anyone wanting me to do it for them for a few bucks. I would need a limited POA for dmv affairs and all original GP paper work the turn around for the title is approx 30 days, tags and registration is same day. my email is mak5250@yahoo.com
how do u get plates..tags in texas? ..any body know what to do?
I haven’t registered mines yet. As a matter of fact I haven’t even picked mines up yet. Still waiting on my EUC to clear. It’s been three weeks already.
I requested a SF97 form instead of the title. I haven’t received it yet. What’s the average wait time for someone to get their EUC cleared. Does it really take 8-12 weeks???
Yes. The SF-97’s / FL titles are taking quite a bit of time to aquire; we have had a great many reports that you will need to stay behind Iron Planet to get them more quickly. We have also heard that the FL titles are stalled (no recent report at this time).
It took a little over 12 weeks for my EUC to clear, and the vehicle to be released for pickup. Then another 30 days for the paperwork (SF97and re-assignment of SF-97) to be sent.
Yes the EUC is taking extra long right now. I’m 6 weeks in and I have high level clearance.
Man this 8-12 week wait time is killing me. How is it that they ask for the whole payment up front but you need to wait three months to get the truck.
Has anyone here had their EUC cleared sooner?
Yea, the wait sucks. You have to pay right away, then wait for them for what seems like forever, then when they release it you have 8 days to pick it up. Oh, and then wait again, because you can’t do anything for another month while you wait on the paperwork.
I bought and paid for mine in September….. And didn’t get my EUC cleared til March!! And I had a high level clearance when I was in!! It totally Sucks!! Good Luck!!
So ends my year long saga. Missouri would not accept my SF-97 because it showed Iron Planet on it and would not accept the IP transfer. I ordered the Bill of Sale just to show that I owned the vehicle (another $50). I then took the SF-97 and BOS to a lawyer and filed for a Declaritory Judgment. I had my day in court and the judge awarded me title to the vehicle. I took the judgment down to the DOR and paid the taxes, showed insurance and applied for a historical vehicle plate which I received and walked out a happy man. It is now licensed and waiting on the title. Also there was a $200 dollar tax penalty for late fees that was waived because of the judgment. Doing a Happy dance!!
Great to hear you had success, finally; we just hate the lawyers and court had to get involved. Thank you for sharing.
Me too. But no question asked after the judgement. I didn’t have to have a VIN inspection either. Let the fun begin!!
Anyone have any luck in Nevada with a SF 97 and a HMMWV?
Has anyone had any luck in VA with a street legal, titled HMMWV from another state?
MaverickH1… please contact me via email when you get a chance. Japojr1@hotmail.com
Hello pat, what forms do they need. I just had a 3 hour conversation with both dmv and the state about this and they had nothing for me. Please let me know what they will need. I’m at wits end.
I make them street legal. I offer a service that’s both legal by all state requirements and parameters and fast. If you are interested call 832-257-8260
So I’m seeing different things for NC….. also I’m seeing that FL titles are now not being issued for humvees….. my father is in the EUC stage (going on 7 weeks) and are trying to to figure out what we really need to attempt to get his 87 titled and street legal. Do we need to have a theft and license inspector look at it?
Can someone help a brother out?
Just give me a call, no problem.
Any luck with CT? I tried today to do the inspection. The people at Wethersfield were very nasty and the police in charge stamped the SF97 with “DO NOT REGISTER” which got my blood boiling. I’ll go tomorrow to see if there’s anything I can do or file a complaint.
Hey John,
I live down in ft Pierce. Can you tell me how you got tags for your military Humvee? Sorry to bother you but I need the path forward.
Josh Walsh
Anyone title and register one in Illinois yet?
Has anyone had any luck in FL with a street legal ?
Anyone recently get from iron planet the Montana state title for Humvees?
I can title your vehicle for “on-road” in Texas and give blue title transferable to any state in the union.
Hi Doug, I’d be interested in your service for titling in Texas (and keeping it titled in the Great State of Texas). rfauteux737@gmail.com
I have a title from New Mexico and I’m trying to transfer it to Colorado but the problem I’m having is the vin is only 6 digits, can you help?
Doug, I am interested in getting in touch with you to learn about the process. I am planning for an HMMWV in the future and want to know the Texas process, what your rates are, etc,.
Please get in touch with me
I as well am curious. Please contact me as well. dakota.huxman@yahoo.com
Thanks Doug can you contact me to see how is the process and how much?
My email is
Thanks Doug can you contact me I want to know how is the process and
How much?
My email is
I bought mine on 11/15/2016 waiting on EUC to clear. Mine will come with a Va. Title off road use. I’m seeing Humvee’s on youtube for sale with Va. State tags on them and they are only painted and look military stock. I would like to know what they did to get the tags? Please let me know.
Which location in Denver does HMMWV emissions testing?
Hello Rich in Colorado,
What shop did you use to get your emissions test in Colorado ?
MikeS – I’m also in MO and spent the last 3 months waiting for title. I just received a letter requesting a Vehicle Examination Certificate form 551 from the highway patrol.
A little background on my purchase this vehicle came with a clear MS title, not purchased from GovPlanet so no restrictions.
We’re you required to obtain form 551 inspection from HP and if so, was anything extra needed to pass inspection or any advice? – thank you!